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podcast學英文 線上學英文歌 junction hole中文意思是什麼

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junction hole中文意思是什麼

junction hole解釋


  • junction: n. 1. 接合,連接,連絡。2. 接合點,交叉點,(河流的)匯合處,(鐵道的)聯軌點。3. 【電學】中繼線。4. 【物理學】接頭,結。
  • hole: n 1 洞,穴,孔;(衣服等上的)破洞;傷口;漏洞;窩,坑;水流的深凹處,(河道的)緩流窪。2 (獸的...

  • A black hole can accrete matter into itself as the matter falls or is pulled towards it. the accreting material then orbits around the black hole, forming an accretion disk

    英語家教網 一對一教學英文 當任何物體墮進或被吸入黑洞時,都會被黑洞吸積入內,形成黑洞外的吸積盤繞著黑洞運行。
  • The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis.

  • Planting bar used syringes from the bottom of the hole to put adequate amounts of external uniform adhesive filling injection hole, pay attention not to air hole inclose

  • The bag has wave - type rope, and is densely covered with air holes ; the bottom of the bag has air outlet ; the hanging hole is clearly marked, hence it is convenient and highly practical

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    junction grammar, junction gusset, junction gusset plate, junction house, junction isolation, junction junction

    junction hole中文意思是什麼
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