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2009-06-22 21:39:00| 人氣87| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Thank you so much, my dear ... 
I knew that you have been far away  
Remember there?
That was a happy summer vacation
In that beautiful valley I rebirth
Because you give me the courage and the strength
I laid down the pain, also was far away sadly
Only then you find out my pain
You accompany cause me to be warm
and you always peacefully listen attentively
Each matter I fill feel grateful.
Perhaps I no longer pour out to you
I will fondly remember your hug....
I am not the fickle person, just want to search belongs to my sincerity
I thought that you have the human who you must protect
Perhaps this is my destiny
I have to depend on my strength soaring,
I knew, no matter the ends of the earth you can congratulate me, prayed for me. right?
Do you know why I write these?
I graduated....Many stories from school....
The story finished finally
My heart will tie the wing,It will fly terminus the world
Fills the gratitude to you.
Is willing you to think that the matter becomes

best wishes for you

Sincerely yours

台長: 小瑩


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哇~ 寫得真棒~ 我超愛的~ 崇拜~!!!
2009-11-23 10:29:27
2009-11-25 22:59:58
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