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2008-11-04 21:24:33| 人氣126| 回應0 | 上一篇

The Invasion

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I just saw it on HBO,

and believe me, it's really really worth your time to watch!

It's based on a novel, The Body Snatchers, written by Jack Finney,

and the idea is like 53 years ago, amazing!!

well, I have to say that the original title is brilliant, with only three words but terrifying enough!

Obviously, all the problems in our world, like fight, war, unhappiness etc, are considered

that  human beings have emotions. I think it's kinda ture, but the fact is can we be better without any

feelings? And can the world be peaceful if we are emotionless?

BTW,I don't know much about Jane Austen but I wonder whether she approves of being rational

equals to being emtionless?

However, the alien lifeform invades us and robs us of our emtions, and also spreads disease.

 The real horror for me is the one you love somehow changed.

There's a simple line, "My husband is not my husband," and I can sense the fear of it.

Actually, we don't need any alien virus, cuz we've been indifferent already.

The explosion of population, information and the capitalism have drawn our part of emtion away.

So, it's kinda ironic about our society.


At the end of the film, Carol recalls what the diplomat said, which I found it pretty poignant and

impressive, " In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes.

To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities,

where every newspaper is not full of war and violence. Well, this is to imagine a world

where human beings cease to be human."


台長: Winona


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