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The similar crisis we face now is the climate change and global warming. How did they occur? Why did we not do anything to stop them in the first place? The reason is simply that we ignore it. This topic will be examined through the economic aspect, the governmental aspect and the social aspect.

The first one is economic aspect. Scientists have long warned that the emission of fossil fuels have damaged our environment considerably. Therefore, if we do not do anything to reduce the rate of emission, the weather patterns are certainly going to change more quickly. However, since technological products are vital to the economy of all the industrialized nations in the world, the governments are slow to cut down on the rate of the fossil fuel emission. Although environmental groups have long urged to do it, most governments just ignored it all together due to economic benefits.

The second one is governmental aspect. The U.S. has the highest rate of fossil fuel emission in the world. However, because they are the most powerful nation in the world, the U.S. federal government simply does what is beneficial to their country while ignoring other nations’ requests. Therefore, when all the 12 industrial nations(countries like Japan and France which are highly developed) to sign the Treaty of the Kyoto Protocol and reduced the emission rates, the U.S. government still did not sign it. Thus, it felt no obligation to cut down the rate of fossil fuel emission.

The third one is social aspect. Since the industrial revolution, technology has become an indispensable part of our life. Technological products are powered by different kinds of chemicals; some of them are harmful to our environment. However, we just can not stop it because no one is willing to go back to the life before the industrial revolution. Therefore, we generated more harmful chemicals to our environment. Thus, those chemicals played a part in climate change. For example, the rising of temperature has caused the ice in the North and South Pole to melt, thus raising the sea level and pose a threat to people living near the sea.

In sum, the culprit of the climate change and global warming are we humans. We would not do anything at first to prevent it from happening. The results are that we will suffer more than we can bear.

台長: 晉龍先生
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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