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2010-08-04 12:17:33| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

maybe; choice

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Maybe I can write about my life and dig out all the deepest pain.  

Or maybe I can pretend nothing had happened that I was just a girl growing up in a happy family with mom and dad holding hands walking in a garden. 

Maybe I can recognize all the dirty spots on the street, or maybe I can simply ignore them and look at the beautiful sky. 

Either way doesn’t change what had been done. 

I tell myself I’m the luckiest kid because that’s how I want to live my life.  

The world is never fair and life is never smooth.  

But I have learned to pack up my past and move on. 

I might have found myself finally after a not-so-long journey.  

Right now I’m back to a cross road, alone, as always. 

台長: sherry
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