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2009-10-30 10:12:22| 人氣39| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Chris – 愛爾蘭人

Kim 和老公 Jehu – 美國人

Jay – 美國出生長大華人

Katsu and Taka – 日本人

我 還有男朋友共計八人

知道中秋節的人: 我 還有男朋友



Chris: So what is this moon festival thing? (所以這中秋節是麼東西?)

: We celebrate the mid autumn. (我們慶祝中秋)

Kim: It’s your Thanksgiving isn’t it? ( 那不是你們的感恩節嗎?)

我: huh?! (啥?!)

男友: We watch the moon! (我們看月亮!)

Chris: So why the moon cake? (那月餅是怎樣?)

我: oh there is a rabbit making the moon cake on the moon. (喔 月亮裡有一隻兔子在做月餅)

Katsu: No! It makes mochi, not moon cake! (不是 他是在做麻糬不是月餅)

Chris: What?! Where the hell did the rabbit come from? (蛤? 兔子從哪來的?)

男友: No, it’s because there was the guy who shot down 9 suns, and he was punished by the Gods. So he got sent to the moon. (不是 是因為有一個男的射下了九個太陽, 天上的神懲罰他 把他關到月亮裡)

Chris: Wait a minute, why were there 9 suns? And who is this guy? (等一下 為麼會有九個太陽? 這男的又是誰?)

我跟男友討論著到底是8 個還是9個太陽

: And there’s a guy who cut down a tree! He was also punished and sent to the moon. (還有一個男的砍了一棵樹 也被關到月亮)

Taka: ok, I don’t think you guys know what you’re talking about. (我看你們都不知道自己在講甚麼吧!)

男友: Everybody who did the wrong thing got sent to the moon. (犯錯的人都會被關到月亮裡)

Chris: So there are a rabbit, a guy who shot down suns, and a guy who cut down a tree on the moon? (所以月亮裡有一隻兔子 一個射太陽的男的 還有一個砍樹的男的?)

我: oh! There is also a girl, but I forgot what she does. (喔 還有一個女的 可是我忘了她做了甚麼)

Katsu: The rabbit is making mochi for these people? (兔子在做麻糬給這些人吃嗎?)

我和男友: Maybe they got punished to eat mochi on the moon for the rest of their lives. (他們可能被懲罰一輩子在月亮裡吃麻糬吧)

Chris: I don’t believe you guys! (我不相信你們!)

Katsu: Everybody, take out your iphone and find out the real story please. (請大家拿出你的iphone找出真正的答案吧)

我跟男友喃喃自語: 奇怪 怎麼全忘記了, 而當初提出問題的Chris早已不想理會這兩個編荒唐故事的人

台長: sherry
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Julie C.
我怎麼可以lag這麼久 XD
2009-11-19 12:47:19
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