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《Taiwan News》Afghan

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Subject: afghan


【1】Afghan 阿富汗人;阿富汗語
【2】leaflets 散發傳單
【3】impending 即將發生的;逼近的
【4】South Korean 南韓人
【5】hostage 人質
【6】purported 傳說的;可能是真的
【7】insurgent 暴動的;叛亂的
【8】deadline 最後限期
【9】permission 允許;許可
【10】face-to-face 面對面的
【11】captors 俘虜(他人)者;捕獲(獵物)者


The Afghan army dropped leaflets Wednesday warning of impending military action in the region where Taliban militants are holding 21 South Koreans, though the army said the upcoming operation is not connected to the hostages.

A purported spokesman for the militants said they hoped the Afghan government would agree to release insurgent prisoners in exchange for the Koreans.

Another Taliban deadline passed at noon Wednesday with no word that any of the captives had been killed.

Two Koreans were killed shortly after earlier deadlines.

The local governor, meanwhile, said South Korea’s ambassador sought and was given permission from the Taliban militants for a face-to-face meeting with the captors.

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