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September 5, 2010,

Cheon Bok Gung, Seoul, Korea





Report on International President’s Tour of Israel and Europe




Main Sermon:



Brothers and sisters, today I’d like to first share with you a little bit about the Jerusalem and Europe visits, and then I will move on into the main part of the sermon. We never planned to go to Jerusalem. As you know, for the Korean church right now, it is a very busy time. We’re now preparing for over sixteen thousand blessed couples to be blessed in October. So it is not the best time to be going on visits to other nations! But Father expressly ordered for us to be in Jerusalem. As you know, on July 8th, Father first did the proclamation of True Parents’ eternal word in Korea, and then on the 28th of July in America, so the third Israel and the second Israel, and then Father ordered to do it in the first Israel, in Jerusalem, to proclaim True Parents’ substantial word of God. So initially we were going to Europe, but we had to make an extra trip to Israel.



It was the first time for us in the Holy Land. As soon as we landed and entered into the Holy Land, we went immediately to the olive tree that True Parents designated as the site where Jesus prayed before he was crucified. It’s a thousand-year-old olive tree, and there are three nails in it—as some of you that have been there know—representing the three Abrahamic faiths, that True Parents actually put into the tree. And we could still find those nails that represent Judaism, Christianity and Islam, engrafting onto the olive tree. We were able to go there and give a prayer, and also to place True Parents’ picture within the tree. We also visited the place where Jesus is traditionally said to have prayed before his crucifixion. Then we moved on to the Dead Sea to see the place of the Essene community, the early community that was waiting for the return of the Christ and that created the very famous Dead Sea Scrolls and the Apocryphal literature that was retrieved from that incredible, historic area.



The next morning, we were able to have Hoon Dok Hae and some testimony time with our brothers and sisters in Israel, followed by quickly going to the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall, where practicing Jews come and pray, really pray, for the restoration of their temple. Now on the Temple Mount, on top of that, where King Solomon built the original Temple’s foundation, is the famous al-Aqsa Mosque. We were able to go with our delegation to the al-Aqsa Mosque and meet the Grand Mufti there who was so kind to allow us to enter into the al-Aqsa Mosque and even underneath into the cave where non-Muslims are not allowed, and allowed us to pray there and share time with them.



Then, we were able meet the leaders of the Druze community, who are always playing a central role in peaceful relations between Muslims, Christians and Jews. They are a tradition that is an offspring of Islam, and they have about two hundred thousand followers in Jerusalem, but really are respected from all the communities. We were able to meet with the top leader there, Imam Tariff, and many of the priests there: a big Orthodox priest that came in attendance and some Islamic imams that came in attendance. We were able to share True Parents’ role as the Lord of the Second Advent who comes to fulfill the prophecies of the past. We were able to share this wonderful time and also to share the autobiography with Imam Tariff. Then we had to go and do the special ceremony to proclaim the substantial word of God and the era of the parents of heaven, earth, and humankind. And in the speech, Father was with us via internet live broadcast; True Parents were attending the entire service, and were very keenly watching the word being proclaimed.



The word that was being proclaimed was that True Parents are the Messiah, that they are the Lord of the Second Advent, that they come with that mission; and that Korea, the Fatherland to which the Lord of the Second Advent has been sent, is now the homeland and the sacred site of God. So it is a Holy Land as well. This was the main aspect of the proclamation.



We had the time also to stop at al-Jazzar Mosque where the prophet Mohammad, sall Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allah honor him and grant him peace), his hair is within the sanctuary, and people come from all over the world to see his hair. We get to see True Parents in reality, let alone a hair! Do you understand the value of True Parents being with us? Let us give it up one time for True Parents with us here, in the flesh!

     我們也參觀了賈紮爾清真寺,寺裡供奉著先知穆罕默德的頭髮,sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam(願安拉尊崇他,賜他平安),來自世界各地的信徒都來參拜,來看他的頭髮。我們還親眼見到真父母,更別說頭髮了!各位可知道真父母與我們在一起的價值?讓我們再一次為真父母與我們在一起,實體地與我們在一起鼓掌!


So we had a wonderful time there. Of course it was Ramadan and they were fasting. We met Imam Masih, the head of the al-Jazzar Mosque. And there is a very interesting picture where we are wrestling over a cell phone, and he is actually giving me back the cell phone, because during our meeting the phone rings and we pick up the phone and it is True Father on the other line! So I am sitting there with Imam: “Oh, Father, we are in the meeting with the Imam Masih!” So we hand the phone to Imam Masih. And Father gave him a special blessing from heaven. They said it was the first time that something ever happened like that. So Imam Masih is now a blessed man. And we wish him many fortunes and many blessings, many great blessings coming to him. (Applause) It’s a historic time.

     因此,我們在那有一段愉快的時光。當然,我們遇上了齋戒月,他們在禁食。我們也會見了馬希伊瑪目(Imam Masih),他是賈紮爾清真寺的阿訇(音烘)。這張照片很有趣,我們把手機遞給他,事實上是他把手機還給我,因為在我們談話的過程中,電話響了,我們接通了電話之後,發現是真父親打來的!因此我跟伊瑪目坐在那,我回答:「哦,真父親,我正在跟馬希伊瑪目談話!」於是我們把電話交給馬希伊瑪目。真父親給他一個很特別的天的祝福。他們說,這是從來沒有發生過的事。所以,馬希伊瑪目現在是一位蒙受祝福的人。我們也祝福他多蒙天運與祝福。(會眾熱烈地鼓掌)這真是個歷史性的時刻。


We had the great honor of breaking fast with them. As you know, Muslims, during the day during Ramadan, don’t eat or drink—water or any type of beverage—during the whole day, and as the sun sets, they are able to eat. We had this feast and Imam Masih kept on feeding us until we almost burst! Just so much of this incredible hospitality that we felt from this man who is a real, incredible spiritual leader! He was going around making sure that everybody ate before he broke his fast. Such a wonderful example for that community!



Then we had to fly and make our way to Italy. We went to Italy, and we landed and immediately went to the Vatican. In 1965, before he started the American providence, True Father went on the world tour and designated holy sites all around the world. In 1965 he designated in front of the obelisk in the yard in the great arena, the front area of the Vatican before St. Peter’s Basilica, as the holy site. And there we gave offerings and prayer. And we were able to ascend into St. Peter’s all the way to the top, to the dome.



But one of the great experiences was the Sacred Stairs that we were able to visit at St. John Lateran Cathedral, where the steps of Jerusalem were moved some centuries ago by the Vatican from Jerusalem. These are the steps where Jesus went up to be judged by Pontius Pilot. They moved that staircase from Jerusalem to Vatican City and it is in the incredible Lateran Cathedral. It’s covered by a wooden staircase to protect the original stairs. You go up the stairs—the twenty-eight stairs—but you don’t go walking on your feet; you go on your knees in penance and in repentance and prayer. You walk on your knees! And it’s very painful. But when you look around and you focus, in the tunnel, on the image of the Christ hanging lifeless on the cross, you realize that this pain is nothing; it is nothing compared to what Christ had to endure for the sake of our spiritual salvation. So you really feel this incredible sense of communion. I remember Yeon-ah nim, Hyo-jin nim’s wife, who came with us, had a great spiritual experience there and she was tearing up, and pouring out tears. And we believe that Hyo-jin hyung was also in presence with her as we walked up those stairs in penance and in repentance, really focusing on the love of Christ. Such an incredible training that we were able to do with the Catholic practitioners there; such a beautiful, beautiful training!

     但是,令我們印象最深刻的是去聖若望拉特朗大教堂的神聖階梯(Sacred Stairs),相傳那座耶路撒冷的階梯是幾世紀以前從耶路撒冷移到梵地岡的。這座階梯是耶穌當年走上去接受彼拉多審判的階梯。他們把這座階梯從耶路撒冷移到了梵地岡,並且放置在聖若望拉特朗大教堂裡。這座階梯包覆了一層木製的階梯以保護原來的石製階梯。共有28階,但你們不是用腳走上去,而是用膝蓋跪著走上去;你們用跪著處罰自己的方式走上去,邊走悔改邊禱告。你們要用跪著爬上去!那是非常地痛苦。但是當你們在那樓梯間裡,你們全神貫注看到基督掛在十字架上時,這時膝下所受的痛苦可說是微不足道;這跟基督為了要成就靈的拯救而忍受的痛苦相比,真的是微不足道。因此,你們可以很強烈地感受到這股救恩。我記得隨行的孝進Nim的太太妍娥Nim在那座樓梯間裡經歷了強烈的靈的經驗,她當下淚如泉湧地落了下來。而我們相信孝進Nim當下也是跟她在一起,一起帶著處罰自己,悔改的心情在行走那28階石階,全心全意地聚焦在基督的愛。那真的是一項很難得的訓練,我們能夠跟天主教信徒一起實踐;真是很美很棒的一次訓練!


台長: 統一教會新店分會

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