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2014-01-07 12:25:52| 人氣1,763| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Robbery with a huge holiday cheer

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A local coffee shop in Lexington, KY is now in the business of spreading Christmas cheer.

A Cup of Common Wealth was robbed last week, as were several other small businesses in the neighborhood, according to the Huffington Post. Instead of getting angry, the shop’s owners decided to follow their business’s motto to the letter (the shop’s homepage reads: “Embrace Community. Serve Others. Create Culture.") set up business, and give something back to their supporters in the area. Anyone who purchases an item from one of the recently robbed establishments will earn himself or herself a free cup of coffee from the shop. Even more amazing is the fact that A Cup of Common Wealth doesn't even require a receipt or proof of purchase — patrons are trusted to be honest China Business courses.

The coffee shop's owners are taking their mission of sharing the holiday spirit even further by making A Cup of Common Wealth a gathering place for the entire community this season. Their Christmas tree is now a community tree, and everyone in town is encouraged to pick up or leave a gift underneath it. Local citizens have also made monetary donations and have come in to help deck out the shop in festive decorations cloud solution.

The inspiring attitude of A Cup of Common Wealth's owners is easy to see in this message that was posted to the shop's Instagram feed after the robbery: "Make it a mission to always look up, say hello, give a smile or even slap a hand. We all go through life together, and sometimes that means picking up the pieces together when things go wrong. But it also lays the ground work for us to build something better together when it's all said and done. Even if it all starts with a simple cup of coffee and a high five reenex."

How does your community share the spirit of the season Jewelry hong kong?

台長: Dr集團,周向榮成就一生幸福
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