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20100616 每日五成功:Get hint to resolve my problem

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20100616 Sunny

1.Prepare to arrive early
I have to attend a class outside. And I go out early, because I want to arrive 30 minutes earlier.

Insist to attend the class
It is rush hour. In the train, I felt not good about my body. I do not have clear awareness, I felt that I am going to pass out. After get off the train, I find a site, feel that I have cold sweat and going to spit. After 10 min rest, I find a bathroom..... finally I felt better and I attend to class.
I am very happy that I leave home earlier that I could attend class on time. I want to acknowledge myself that I insist to attend the class also.

3. Get some solution about my problem
I have a big problem and I do not know how to face it. Under the help of my group member , I got some ideas. I am very happy with that.

4.Get help from my friend
I have another problem , but I have to search for help to solve it. I am very happy that one of my friend is willing to give me a help. I am very appreciate about that.

5. Learn lot from my class
I learned lot form my class. I am appreciate with that.

Thank you
Forgive me
I love you
I am sorry

台長: 愛錢
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2010-07-09 01:50:33
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