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2010-06-17 11:44:15| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

20100613 每日五成功:Get good star for my business

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1.Taking a walk
I took a walking this afternoon, it help me to think more clear.

Bought food
It is 5% off day. But I do not buy much. I think I want to buy what I need, not because the price is cheep.

3. Wrote 5 days of successful story
I note it every day when I did  90days prorame. And I wrote it in English today.

4.Bought my URL
I bought my URL address today, and pay it online. I am very happy with that.

5. Ate Sushi
I have not ate Sushi for a long time. My mother in law ask me out for eating Sushi. The shop is famous because it is cheep and delicious.

Thank you
Forgive me
I love you
I am sorry

台長: 愛錢
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此分類下一篇:20100614 每日五成功:Go outside and think outside
此分類上一篇:20100612 每日五成功:Helping my friend

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