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2010-06-14 11:56:15| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

20100608 每日五成功:Contact to an old friend

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I did translation today

Finding partner  for doing website
I called lot of people. I fond it is very good to do in network.

3. Mailed to Mr. S
I promised to contact Mr.S last year, but I did not do it  still. I mailed him today ,and get his warm feedback. He is very busy as well as me, We fond that we could meet around late July.

4.Made a appointment with web design company
They had a good product. Even I have to pay big money at the begin, but I will save lot about handling order later. It will be a good shopping.

5. Cooking for lunch
I ate with my husband.

Thank you
Forgive me
I love you
I am sorry

台長: 愛錢
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