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2010-04-23 08:23:27| 人氣35| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

20100421 每日五成功:Working after a milestone

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20100421 Sunny

1.Keep writing in English
Even though, I have lot space to improve my English writing.  I still keep writing English. It reminds me, the days I learned Japanese. At the beginning, my Japanese writing is not as good as now.  My friends helped my a lot about improving it.

It will help me to reflect my English .

Had a big rest
I slept until 10:00. Maybe it is because my body is really tired.
I go my body a big rest.

3. Went to sport center

Take a good bath .

4.Correct my translation
I spent 2 hours to correct it. I correct a lot, because I grow up in my Chinese writing these days. It is a good sign.

5. Coaching my client
I have couple clients. I fond that my coaching style to them is different.
It is good thing ,because every client is different.

台長: 愛錢
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