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2024-03-26 20:06:33


康熙皇帝信耶穌,為了紀念耶穌基督被釘死十架上,曾寫了一首膾炙人口的七言律詩,名曰《基督死》,人稱《康熙十字歌》,體會基督受難即景。 該詩顕示康熙皇帝曾熟讀四福音書,他非常瞭解耶穌被釘前夕受審的經過;承...

2024-03-04 12:26:37

Remembering the Philippines' 1986 People Power Revolution

'Miraculous' event saw a woman emerge as president of the Philippines, so can history repeat itself? Thirty-six years ago, the People Power Revolution in the Philippines toppled a dictator. The predo...

2024-03-03 23:18:14

Epilogue: Made in God’s image and called to proclaim Christ

Epilogue: Made in God’s image and called to proclaim Christ Religious life as we know it today, both contemplative and active, has evolved over two millennia. In this final of four articles, Ch...

2024-02-25 21:48:38

Servant of God, Domenica Lazzeri

Servant of God, Domenica Lazzeri Domenica Lazzeri, born the 16th of March 1815, in the town of Capriana, province of Trento. From the age of 17 to 18 years old, she was infected by an epidemic of i...

2024-01-30 21:35:32

Courage International

COURAGE Encounter Christ. Discover yourself. Grow in holiness. Courage International, Inc. is an apostolate of the Catholic Church which offers pastoral support to men and women experiencing same-...

2024-01-24 13:44:16



2024-01-08 11:12:07

Blessing couples in irregular situations

Doctrinal declaration opens possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations With the Declaration “Fiducia supplicans” issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, approv...

2023-08-20 14:02:11

私を お使い ください。

-------------------------- 私を お使い ください。 /me/ /use/ /please/ watashi wo otsukai kudasai ------- ------------------- /I/ 主よ, 今日 お 1日 /Lord oh/ /today/ /one day/ shu yo, kyo o ...

2023-08-15 21:28:33

the Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew

avee-noo she-ba-sha-mai-yeem, yeet-ka-desh sheem-cha, ve-yeet-ba-rech mal-choot-cha, re-tson-cha yee-h'-ye a-sui ba-sha-mai-yeem oo-va-a-rets, ve-tee-ten lach-me-noo te-mee-deet, oo-me-chol la-noo cha...

2023-08-15 20:13:30

Ana BeKoach – the Blessing that can Change Reality

אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ גְּדֻלַּת יְמִינֶךָ תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה ַקבֵּל רִנַּת עַמֶּךָ שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא נ...

2023-08-14 16:58:18

Understanding Missio inter Gentes

Understanding Missio inter Gentes 12 April 2021 (ANS – Rome) – “Missio inter gentes” is a neologism, therefore it is important to correctly understand the term because it has...

2023-07-22 17:34:54

新 Batch 同梯

** ** 2023-07-22 ** ** ** ** 腳腫紀錄 2023-05-06 2023-05-07 2023-05-13 2023-05-21 ** 2023-07 ** 2023-07 Oh, My Dear Love, ...

2023-06-10 21:49:18


2023-06-10 初學的初期, 在初學生自製的手冊裡, 我穿著汐止堂的潮T, 至今,心中一直感謝所有朋友的祈禱與祝褔。 感恩。 ** ** ** ...

2023-03-08 21:47:19


天主的臨在:初學生活中的特別體驗 在聖母聖心會菲律賓初學院的生活已滿八個月,每天都是充滿感恩與喜悅的日子。在神師的引導下,一步一步地為成為外方傳教士 (international religious missionary) 作準備。聖母...

2023-01-14 12:01:51
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