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2015-11-27 17:02:09
2014-12-11 17:19:24
2022-02-12 16:54:43

高中歷史 - 三十年戰爭

三十年戰爭(西元 1618 ~ 1648 年),波希米亞人皈依喀爾文教派後,受荷蘭獨立的影響,於西元 1618 年反叛神聖羅馬帝國,於是神聖羅馬帝國皇帝斐迪南二世聯合西班牙和巴伐利亞的力量鎮壓波希米亞人,這一年布拉格人民...

2022-02-10 10:44:34

Have a good Wednesday everyone

Have a good Wednesday everyone! Wednesday is named the German god Woden (also known as Odin). Hence, Woden's day. Under Woden’s supervision, the earth and sky were created from the dead body...

2022-02-09 15:27:27


特利騰大公會議 Council of Trent 谷寒松 2000年12月 教育大辭書 名詞解釋:  天主教會第十九次大公會議,從一五四五年十二月十三日開始至一五六三年十二月四日止,含四階段共二十五場會議,中間經歷過三位教宗...

2022-02-09 11:13:32


歐洲政府支持教會, 越來越少人上教堂 近日筆者參加了一個在荷蘭烏得勒支(Utrecht) 舉行的宗教哲學會議,這是一次令我大開眼界的經歷, 因為我能夠與許多來自歐洲各地的人交流 。 我有機會跟一個丹麥的博士...

2022-02-06 20:45:36

轉載: 十字架 頌

十字架 頌 姜涵被稱為中國的Sarah Brightman ,她演唱的《康熙·十架頌》是一首風格鲜明、内容向上的不一樣的中國風格。 康熙皇帝為了紀念耶稣基督被釘死十架上,寫了一首膾炙人口的七言律詩名曰《基督死》...

2022-02-06 20:42:43

轉載:畫十字聖號的同時,我們做的 21 件事

畫 “十字聖號” 的同時,我們做的 21 件事 。 畫十字聖號的時候,我們到底 在做什麼呢? 你可知道,同時有以下21件事: 1. 《祈禱》 我們以十字聖號開始和結束我們的祈禱,十字聖號本身就是一個祈...

2022-01-18 20:39:21

History of western philosophy homework

History of western philosophy homework 2021 What questions did ancient philosophers ask? Thales of Miletus was acknowledged as the first philosopher; thus, Miletus can be regarded as the birthplace ...

2021-12-16 21:10:25

為您的進行曲 歌詞

[為您的進行曲 歌詞] '임을 위한 행진곡' 60만명 떼창 '감동' (2016.12.10) 광화문 촛불집회 - YouTube(60萬人合唱) 愛 榮譽 名聲 什麼都沒留下 一輩子所堅持的就是熱血般的盟誓 同志們已經倒下 只留下...

2021-12-08 19:27:32

A look at the relic of his holy cloak in Rome

For the Year of St. Joseph, a look at the relic of his holy cloak in Rome The holy cloak of St. Joseph, a unique relic of the foster father of Jesus, has traveled from church to church in Rome this...

2021-11-23 14:19:15

轉載: 台灣地區民間信仰 飛天大聖「張聖者」

轉載: 台灣地區民間信仰飛天大聖「張聖者」 關於廣照宮 廣照宮主神 飛天大聖歷史淵源 本宫主神飛天大聖「張聖者」,生於宋太宗太平興國年間,泉州安溪大坪村人。及長曾官拜縣衙主簿,斯時「吳眞人」以神...

2021-11-23 11:38:02

Metaphysics homework

Metaphysics homework 2021 Develop an argument that there IS something rather than nothing in support of the metaphysical drive to know. “There IS something rather than nothing” can be ...

2021-11-23 11:27:48

Existentialism homework

Existentialism/phenomenology/Hermeneutics homework 2021 What exactly did Nietzsche mean when he said, "God is dead, we murdered him." This question can be discussed in different aspects: Reason,...

2021-11-23 11:11:06

轉載:台灣地區民間信仰 媽祖

轉載:台灣地區民間信仰媽祖 媽祖資料介紹英文版(歡迎介紹給外國人喔) Mazu(媽祖) is one of the most popular goddess in Taiwan. Tianshang shengmu (天上聖母) is one of her religious title. Mazu was a wom...

2021-10-12 14:29:48

When Buddha Refused To Forgive

When Buddha Refused To Forgive A restless businessman once came into Buddha’s assembly, walked straight to him and spat at Buddha. He was furious that his children who could have spent their ...

2021-10-08 11:27:16

Unfolding the Fourfold

Unfolding the Fourfold Source from: Placing the Fourfold: Topology as Environmental Design by Randall Teal ‘Every interpretation, as Heidegger reminds us, is a translation and thus a tra...

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