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2005-10-08 19:10:33| 人氣116| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[Letter] nonsense saturday

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One letter again, one nonsense holiday again.

A short while ago, I heard Yankee lost the game, a little pity showed in my mind. In fact, I generally don’t care about MLB in the past, maybe the key point is Chen-Ming Wang.

At yesterday midnight, I am bored to write a novel, the title is “遙遙無集”, and the preface is said as below:「也許愕然而止,也許悄然筆息,不必詆毀,這就是遙遙無集。」why write down these? I think that’s because my enthusiasm for novel writing is decreased gradually, I know I just have an impulse about something new, something can solve my boring or nonsense of eternity. Few days ago, M asked me to join a novel contest, she said with funny that she considered my novel is better then 川端康成’s, I know M does not appreciate his works, so do I.

Zi - Jie, recently I favor to drink coffee, not the can in the 7-11, but that of starbucks, or some unknown stores. I know the expenditure would be cost much more, but I don’t care, and I know my self-control. I like the bitter taste, and I right now want to ask a question :why the drug(ex: amphetamine), beer, tea, and coffee are all the same bitter, I can’t bear to think that the man have a pleasant sensation with bitter, no wonder that someone said “The nature of life is pain”.

Believe it or not, now I like to write my mind in English, that seems not too straight, I can shelter my soul form the mess of characters, and calm down for a while. Of course, “Don’t cry for me, Argentina” can’t be lack. Now I indeed have a idea of that Argentina is a fantasy for some races, a paradise, a believe in particular. So what is my “Argentina”? Which can be my fantasy, paradise, believe? Still searching, still searching.

I don’t know if you have read some paragraphs of “El libro de las preguntas(疑問集)”, that moves me a lot

台長: 唐突 , K
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