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Simon U 之友評論翻譯書籍:索爾.貝婁<<像他這樣一個知識分子>> (Ravelstein by Saul Bellow)李桂蜜譯,時報出版,2003

鍾漢清說明:在2003年10月,不知道Ravelstein by Saul Bellow有中文翻譯,hc向張瑞麟兄請教了許多書中的法文,並與林博華先生討論Ravelstein取名,很可能是著名法國音樂家拉威爾(除了影射著者之知交之外),諸如類似,這些,都留在日刊Simon University之檔案中。

Simon U 之友的評論,已很可供大家參考。大致上,中文翻譯也很用心,不過,當然有有失手處。梁永安先生很快就找出首兩段的一些問題。不過,潘震哲老師的說法比較清楚,所以本文就採用他的。再此,謝謝貢獻智慧的朋友—他們的評論,參考【】之內的文章。

Ravelstein by Saul Bellow 李桂蜜譯=對照和翻譯評論:第一章(前數段。)

Odd that mankind's benefactors should be amusing people. In America at least this is often the case. Anyone who wants to govern the country has to entertain it. During the Civil War people complained about Lincoln's funny stories. Perhaps he sensed that strict seriousness was far more dangerous than any joke. But critics said that he was frivolous and his own Secretary of War referred to him as an ape.

【感謝潘老師;commentary from Jenn-Tser Pan

第一段譯得中規中矩,唯一顯著的錯誤當然是把Secretary of War譯成「軍事秘書」(可以媲美《天才的學徒》一書的編輯,把我譯的「軍醫署長」【Surgeon General】改成「外科將軍」)。美國於 1789年成立「作戰部」(Department of War),其組織迭有變遷(如「海軍部」獨立於「作戰部」之外,以及「空軍部」的成立等),直到1949年才改名「國防部」(Department of Defense),統一管轄海陸空軍及其他部門。Secretary當然就是「部長」,不是什麼「秘書」。】

Among the debunkers and spoofers who formed the tastes and minds of my generation H. L. Mencken was the most prominent. My high school friends, readers of the American Mercury, were up on the Scopes trial as Mencken reported it. Mencken was very hard on William Jennings Bryan and the Bible Belt and Boobus Americanus. Clarence Darrow, who defended Scopes, represented science, modernity, and progress. To Darrow and Mencken, Bryan the Special Creationist was a doomed Farm Belt absurdity. In the language of evolutionary theory Bryan was a dead branch of the life-tree. His Free Silver monetary standard was a joke. So was his old-style congressional oratory. So were the huge Nebraska farm dinners he devoured. His meals, Mencken said, were the death of him. His views on Special Creation were subjected to extreme ridicule at the trial, and Bryan went the way of the pterodactyl—the clumsy version of an idea which later succeeded—the gliding reptiles becoming warm-blooded birds that flew and sang.

【感謝潘老師;commentary from Jenn-Tser Pan:
第二段稍微難譯一些,提到Menckem, Bryan, Darrow等人名,及Scopes trial, Bible Belt, Farm Belt等名詞;譯者顯然也查了資料,加了註,但整段話有一些不通之處。第一句就錯了,原意是:「形塑我那一代品味及思想的揭謊及諷刺作家當中,門肯是最出名的一位。」最後一句中的the clumsy version of an idea which later succeeded也不大對,我的理解是:「Bryan採用翼手龍的做法:從滑行的爬蟲類轉變成飛翔鳴唱的溫血鳥類;這個演化觀念的笨拙版本,到頭來卻成功了。」debunker and spoofer不好譯,debunker勉強可以用大陸的用語:「打假」。】

-----Ravelsrein 第一章接下來的部分

I filled up a scribbler with quotes from Mencken and later added notes from spoofers or self-spoolers like W. C. Fields or Charlie Chaplin, Mae West, Huey Long, and Senator Dirksen. There was even a page on Machiavelli's sense of humor. But I'm not about to involve you in my speculations on wit and self-irony in democratic societies. Not to worry. I'm glad my old scribbler has disappeared. I have no wish to see it again. It surfaces briefly as a sort of extended footnote.

I have always had a weakness for footnotes. For me a clever or a wicked footnote has redeemed many a text. And I see that I am now using a long footnote to open a serious subject—shifting in a quick move to Paris, to a penthouse in the Hotel Crillon. Early June. Breakfast time. The host is my good friend Professor Ravelstein, Abe Ravelstein. My wife and I, also staying at the Crillon, have a room below, on the sixth floor. She is still asleep. The entire floor below ours (this is not absolutely relevant but somehow I can't avoid mentioning it) is occupied just now by Michael Jackson and his entourage. He performs nightly in some vast Parisian auditorium. Very soon his French fans will arrive and a crowd of faces will be turned upward, shouting in unison, Miekell Jack-sown. A police barrier holds the fans back. Inside, from the sixth floor, when you look down the marble stairwell you see Michael's bodyguards. One of them is doing the crossword puzzle in the Paris Herald.


"Terrific, isn't it, having this pop circus?" said Ravelstein. The Professor was very happy this morning. He had leaned on the management to put him into this coveted suite. To be in Paris—at the Crillon. To be here for once with plenty of money. No more of the funky rooms at the Dragon Volant, or whatever they called it, on the rue du Dragon; or in the Hotel de l'Académie on the rue des Saints Pères facing the medical college. Hotels don't come any grander or more luxurious than the Crillon, where the top American brass had been quartered during the peace negotiations after the First World War.


我表示同意。我們的下方就是巴黎市中心--協和廣場和它的方尖碑、橘園、眾議院、塞納河和它那些壯觀的橋樑、王宮、花園。當然這些都是偉大的景物,可是現在被羅斐斯坦從閣樓上指出來,它們又顯得更偉大,羅斐斯坦去年才背了一萬美元的債務。或許還要更多。他向來喜歡拿他的「償債基金」(sinking fund)跟我開玩笑。
"Great, isn't it?" said Ravelstein, with one of his rapid gestures.
I confirmed that it was. We had the center of Paris right below us—the place de la Concorde with the obelisk, the Orangerie, the Chambre des Députés, the Seine with its pompous bridges, palaces, gardens. Of course these were great things to see, but they were greater today for being shown from the penthouse by Ravelstein, who only last year had been a hundred thousand dollars in debt. Maybe more. He used to joke with me about his "sinking fund."


He would say, "I'm sinking with it—do you know what the term means in financial circles, Chick?"
"Sinking fund? I have a rough idea."

Nobody in the days before he struck it rich had ever questioned Ravelstein's need for Armani suits or Vuitton luggage, for Cuban cigars, unobtainable in the U.S., for the Dunhill accessories, for solid-gold Mont Blanc pens or Baccarat or Lalique crystal to serve wine in—or to have it served. Ravelstein was one of those large men—large, not stout—whose hands shake when there are small chores to perform. The cause was not weakness but a tremendous eager energy that shook him when it was discharged.

2. Mont Blac照字義當然是「白峰」,但業界一般稱「萬寶龍」。
3.Dunhilll accessories包括手錶、打火機、鋼筆、袖釦、戒指、皮帶等,應是「(精緻的)隨身用品」而不是「配件」。


羅斐斯坦去年才背了一萬美元的債務。或許還要更多。他向來喜歡拿他的「償債基金」(sinking fund)跟我開玩笑。
...by Ravelstein, who only last year had been a hundred thousand dollars in debt. Maybe more. He used to joke with me about his "sinking fund."
He would say, "I'm sinking with it—do you know what the term means in financial circles, Chick?"
"Sinking fund? I have a rough idea."
原文sinking fund可兩解:作「償債基金」是正解(即按詞面解釋譯),但作者卻歪解為「下沉基金」(即按字面解釋),譯文顯然依正解翻譯,便和下文的「下沉」接不上來,失去雙關的趣味。解決之道,可能要借用另一個經濟學名詞「沉没成本(sunk cost)」來移花接木。建議修正如下:

......他向來喜歡拿他的「 沉沒基金」(sinking fund)當笑話說給我聽。

台長: hc
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