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2008-01-20 06:31:49| 人氣84| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Ah! You never know how jealous and envied I am!
You’ve owned what I haven’t had for almost a year,
and you’ve owned what I won’t have for another year!
So please,
just stop behaving and acting like that.
If you feel so lonely to be a gay,
I’m sorry to say that it’s your choice!

It is said that we don’t have any choice,
but actually we can choose the attitude toward (gay) life.
You don’t have to be pessimistic, seriously!

台長: 小達
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Really? Seriouly I do not know, you know how stupid I am.
I haven`t noticed that it might make you so uncomfortable.
Then, I`m really sorry about that.

Yes. You might think that you might waste one year
on the damn military service.
I also have been through that, and it`s quite ok if you`re not afraid of it.
It`s just one year.
Besides, you and I start from differentlevel,
I`m just graduate form colleges, and
I`m kinda sick about the surroundings.

Yet, the actions or the behavior that I do,
just the way to konw who I am.
I`m still being counfussed, and not sure about myself.
I even don`t know which role I should be, btm or top, bro or another one.

Again, I`m rally sorry about everything I`ve done.
2008-01-24 13:26:18
Yes, yes, I know all about these things,
but you don`t really get it.
First, a master degree won`t help anything!
Also, who would like a surrounding like that?!

All I want to show you is your attitude:
See, you`re pessimistic again!
You don`t have to apologize in fact.
Just debate for yourself, and have a &quotgay&quot life.
I really wanna see you get happier.
2008-01-25 01:35:21
You really make me more confused.
And, how could say your master degree doesn`t help at all.
It`s not just the diploma you think.

What you`re saying is like I being a jerk
who is not grateful to what I have right now.
The truth is, I`m getting more optimistic. I try.
Yet, I don`t wanna see you fall into the other side.
That`s one of the reasons that I keep calling you out.
I wanna do something to make you happy, my dear friend.
2008-01-26 00:07:08
I`ll try not to do so.
However, different choices make different situations.
My situation is that I gonna lose my freedom.
(Actually I`ve already lost it for a long time.)
So if you are considerate enough,
please don`t show me how much freer you are.
I`ll be very grateful.
2008-01-28 04:07:41
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