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綠色小鎮健康有機連鎖店加盟總部 , 林秦葦董事長 : 用心學


一位熱衷不斷創新及努、力學習各項知識的領導者!為了讓自身的學習渦輪不停滾動,商務繁忙之餘,林秦葦董事長2018年再次投入逢甲大學Ph.D商學博士學位學程的甄試,並以最高分錄取為逢甲大學Ph.D商學博士班一年級學生。107108二年間,博士學程學習國際文獻Michael Porter理論、團體迷思(Irving Lester Janis ,2012)、管理電路電源故障(Kanter RM ,1979)、讚美等級制度(Jaques E,1990)……..等等八十多篇國際專家學者精闢的發表內容。其中2019年在日本北海道札幌ASMSS國際研討會英文發表Decision………..外,預計2020將再到日本沖繩ICSS國際研討會英文發表ART………。近日將發表另一國際期刊於紐西蘭Ecolit等級期刊中。

2019716日,林秦葦董事長與十多位博士班同學,同時前往日本北海道PREMIER HOTEL(TSUBAKI)參加ASMSS 舉辦的HOKKAIDO ACADEMIC & RESEARCH COMMUNICATION國際英文發表會議,並由紐西蘭籍Mr.Charis 主持此廳會議。會場主辦單位規定:論文發表人的衣著必須整齊清潔,並於15分鐘內以英文完成報告,再由主持人Mr.Charis及現場各國與會者提問,最後由發表人現場回答。

From ASMSS web site :
Special Session
Innovation & Breakthrough: New Vision for Southeast Asia
Undoubtedly, Southeast Asia, which has the dramatically geopolitical importance and the driving forces of economic growth, has become the most competitive region for the world’ two superpowers since the escalating brinkmanship between the United States and China. The economic and political trend of Southeast Asia is playing an important role among the U.S.-China trade war and Investment and Trade competition of great powers. Under these circumstances, ASMSS 2020 will be gathering the world's scholars, professionals and academics who are interested in following tracks:

● Dynamics of International Relations and Regionalism
● Challenge of Economic Vitality
● Poverty and Inequality
● Politics, Hegemony and Civil Society
● Mobility and Migration
● Ethnicity and Gender
● Culture, Heritage and Tourism

ASMSS also welcomes paper submission of the following topics:
● Communication
● Culture
● Law
● Politics
● Management
● Education
● Social Studies
● Economics
● Psychology
● Finance

Explore Da Nang
Da Nang is the commercial and educational center of Central Vietnam, as well as being the largest city in the region. It is within 100 km of several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Imperial City of Hue, the Old Town of Hoi An, and the My Son ruins. The city was previously known as C?a Hàn during early ??i Vi?t settlement, and as Tourane (or Turon) during French colonial rule.

Da Nang is a true beach city with broad beaches, fantastic street food, the fabled Hai Van Pass, and a growing collection of cafes, restaurants, and bars, it’s no wonder the residents of Da Nang sport some of the broadest smiles in the country. The warm sands of My Khe Beach sweep south from the mountainous Son Tra Peninsula.

學術味濃厚的論文國際發表大會在Mr.Charis簡單致詞後,立即展開讓各國每一位博士生上台發表。林秦葦董事長被安排在第二位發表,他的主題為”Decision-Mechanism of Venture Capital and Biotachnolong Industry Investment “。林秦葦董事長表示,拿麥克風講話對他而言並非難事,但因為全程是英文表達終究非自己國度的的語言,他回憶在台準備的那段期間,已將全部投影片內容演練幾十遍了,所謂:「熟能生巧」,胡適:「要怎麼收穫先要那麼栽!」


發表後未久,Mr.Charis 以愉悅的心情宣布並祝賀這一廳次的未來博士們,圓滿順利全數通過此次國際發表大會的喜訊,並頒發「通過證書」給每一位未來的博士,林秦葦董事長表示授獎的當下,雀躍之心,難以言表的心境接過通過證書乙只!會場裡,瞬間被快樂攻佔,無限愉悅的興奮因子躍然臉上!林秦葦董事長高興的說:「只有經歷過,才會成長。只有磨練過,才會堅強。」更有所感的表示:每個人都有兩個競爭者,一是時間,一是自己!很高興再次挑戰自我成功了!
    但是終究同班同學革命情感無限大,完成的同學仍然心繫著其他廳未完成的同學是否順利發表,是否會被其他國家老師或台下外國學生發問受困,全數同學立即轉往其他廳參加並當給上台發表的同學鼓勵,頃臾間,是歡呼喜悅聲由另一廳傳來!全班同學便集合到大廳話家常,心情的緊張得到舒緩,大廳喝一杯咖啡、甜點,真是最大的一種心情享受,也是一次別具特別意義的發表及體驗。(相片左而右,2019-7-16志旻、佳樺、姿頴、Charis老師、林秦葦、文晉) 取得博士學位學程的國際發表分數2.

A math degree is much more than just getting your high school diploma. It is a course of study that’ll supply you with the knowledge and instruments calculate the behavior of gases, that you will need to generate complex machines, and even find out everything makes up the arrangement of their universe. A physics level may be wonderful selection in the event that you want a livelihood which combines science along with a very practical approach to understanding that the world round us, while a physics degree is seen by a lot of folks for a waste of time and money.

林秦葦董事長 : 用心學習,才能成就今日及未來的巨大@康富生技These tasks need pupils to take courses within the discipline of study, which may be or considered described as a college chemistry course physics itself. Many jobs call for the student to carry out research projects that is not only going to assist them know what they are analyzing the various tools.

There are jobs in the health care discipline that require a backdrop in either biology or paraphrase mla in text citation societal sciences, making them well suited for individuals who have a physics degree. They’re also able to perform in regions in which employ the very same approach and therefore they have to understand the behaviour of gases. They will soon be capable of using their basic understanding to help create services and products.

These occupations include occupations in high-tech businesses and computer science to the automobile industry and the sweetness industry. Folks who get these tasks possess the opportunity to assist create. They learn the way the mind could use these to generate brand new worlds for both mankind and the theories supporting mathematics.

The courses students has to take should have a great deal of mathematics and maybe a few theoretical and mathematical capabilities. Several of the courses should consist of dealing with tables https://www.ufca.edu.br/portal/noticias/noticias-ufca/noticias-institucional/informes-administrativos/item/5893-profmat-divulga-resultado-final-da-selecao-para-mestrado-profissional and invisibly combined with basic physics notions. While most of students need to simply take classes in mathematics and mathematics, prerequisites and also the pursuits for each may differ between students.


A physics diploma will usually require more math and science skills than a similar mathematics degree. Those that undergo a physics diploma will require a senior high school diploma and they are going to need to take science classes and complex math. That will be a good deal of science and math within this area and all those students using a background in these subjects will have a benefit the moment it regards employing the concept of their own livelihood.

Getting a job isn’t going to require one to have a degree in the field. This is going to take quite a bit of function and a great deal of hard work. Many physics classes could need to finish and based upon which in fact the student is inside their reports that they could possibly have the ability to end in time.

林秦葦董事長 : 用心學習,才能成就今日及未來的巨大@綠色小鎮Jobs from the market will even vary in the sort of work they offer. A number of the jobs that are available are ones that require using technology at a laboratory environment. There are tasks in the health care field that do not demand the scholar to own a science degree.

There are four major sorts. The first one will be the complete time research scientist’s place. These rankings require students to do analysis as a portion of the duties and as part of these research studies.

綠色大帝林秦葦董事長 : 用心學習,才能成就今日及未來的巨大

This field of job could take a number of types. Students will be employed enhance current ones or to develop ideas. Different situations they will work together on study that involves groups of boffins.

Additionally, it may demand the production of new approaches to review or research things. The data is used in regular activity. They might make use of the info that will aid them create or they might find something which will provide them insight to the way the world works.

Will have a number of options that paraphraseservices.com demand taking care of research from labs. Whether or not they do this as a way maybe to learn the world better or to make a full time income, these tasks will likely enable students to have chances for shift in their lives.

引用自: http://n.yam.com/Article/20200712285540

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