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那天在路上看到[美國直購 ShopUSA] Winegard 室內天線 Flatwave Non-Amplified HDTV Indoor Antenna FL5050C $1559 ,覺得超級心動~~馬上回家搜尋有沒有在特價,結果發現XD

在這裡購買[美國直購 ShopUSA] Winegard 室內天線 Flatwave Non-Amplified HDTV Indoor Antenna FL5050C $1559 有限時折扣優惠,趕快跟大家分享這個好消息


對了~我還google了一下[美國直購 ShopUSA] Winegard 室內天線 Flatwave Non-Amplified HDTV Indoor Antenna FL5050C $1559 評論,很多網友都說很好用!









20140106by_Winegard FL5050C

Product Details

Extra long coaxial cable (15') included so you can position the FlatWave in the strongest signal areas

Ultra thin clear design blends into any surrounding

Made in the U.S.A. by Winegard Company, the leader in antenna design and manufacturing for nearly 60 years

Maximum Performance Indoor HDTV Antenna

The antenna design experts at Winegard have engineered the FlatWave to specifically maximize performance for broadcast digital channels available in the United States. Its revolutionary razor-thin design with clear finish, is thin enough to be placed behind pictures and flat panel TVs. Many of your favorite shows are available for free and in 1080 HD--watch your favorite sports, sitcoms, reality TV, crime dramas, local news, weather, kids programming and more for free.

Watch your Favorite Shows

Almost all of the most-watched TV shows are available on local stations. Why pay for the same programming you can get for free and in high definition with the FlatWave? Many local stations now broadcast in crystal-clear high definition, and also broadcast audio in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, giving you the ultimate home theatre experience--but with no monthly bills. No monthly fees, no contract, no installation fees, no credit checks and no cancellation fees.

Engineered by the Experts

Winegard has been designing antennas since 1954 when the company introduced the first ever multi-channel antenna in the U.S.A. Winegard antennas undergo extensive internal design tests including near and far field ranges to ensure maximum signal quality. Each antenna is engineered for peak performance over the U.S. signal spectrum. The majority of markets have one or more channels broadcast in High-VHF.

Un熱門believably Razor Thin

The FlatWave is less than than 2/100 of an inch thick. You won't believe how thin the FlatWave antenna is.

Real Silver Elements

The Flatwave has high評價ly conductive si特惠lver elements for maximum signal transfer, and an extended coax cable that lets you easily place the FlatWave in a location that has the highest signal quality.

Works with Existing Cable or Satellite

The FlatWave is still a great solution for your home if you don't wish to cancel your cable or satellite programming. Use the FlatWave in areas of your house or garage that are not connected to your cable or satellite system. Or, use the FlatWave for superior HD quality viewing and for additional programming that may not be available through cable or satellite. The FlatWave also works as a great back-up in situations where reception may be lost.

What Channels Does the FlatWave Receive?

The FlatWave delivers free over-the-air programming to your television. While the channels in your area may vary, there are more channels being broadcast for free than ever before. In most areas you can receive your local ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and PBS channels as well as new 'digital subchannels' that broadcast 24 hour news, weather, kids programming, and your favorite syndicated shows. According to Nielson's Top 10 ratings, nearly all of the most watched television shows including programs such as NBC Sunday Night Football, NCIS, Dancing With The Stars, 60 Minutes and more.





[美國直購 ShopUSA] Winegard 室內天線 Flatwave Non-Amplified HDTV Indoor Antenna FL5050C $1559 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時



(路透社海地太子港6日電)由於各村落陸續與外界取得聯繫,受颶風馬修(Hurricane Matthew)侵襲的海地,死亡人數今天快速暴增至數百人,倖存者也因農作全毀,面臨無以維生的慘況。



海地項塔爾(Chantal)市副市長諾艾(MarcSoniel Noel)說:「我們沒有任何賴以維生的東西,所有農作都沒了,果樹也都被吹倒,我對復原完全沒有頭緒!」



台股昨天因為美國大選川普勝出而出現重挫,不過美股卻不跌反漲,激勵亞股同步出現報復性反彈,台股開盤也以跳空大漲逾 200 點開出,鋼鐵、金融及生技等 3 大族群聯手吸金,盤勢維持高檔震盪,終場指數大漲 208.98 點,以 9152.78 點作收,成交值 885.67 億元,重新站上 5 日線。

櫃買指數也同樣由生技股領軍,指數開高走高,尾盤持續緩步拉高,終場大漲 4.15 點,以 121.51 點作收,成交值 197.75 億元。

台股今天類股齊揚,其中以電器電纜漲幅最高,達 5.53%,鋼鐵也大漲 5.05%,光電、生醫漲幅也超過 4%,水泥、資訊服務、電子零組件、金融、電腦設備漲幅均超過 3%,化學生醫、觀光、塑膠、貿易百貨、電機機械、玻陶、橡膠、紡織漲幅也超過 2%,造紙、半導體、化學、電子通路、其他電子、建材營造、汽車、航運漲幅也有 1% 以上,油電燃氣、食品、通信網路也均收紅。

鋼鐵股持續扮演台股強攻的中流砥柱,尤其在美國鋼鐵股大漲 17% 的帶動下,中鋼大漲逾 5%,股價再創 16 個月來新高,至於盛餘、中鴻、千興、彰源、美亞等更是亮燈漲停。其他包括第一銅、燁興、新光鋼、志聯、大成鋼、佳大、新鋼、聚亨等漲幅也超過 5%。

金融股也同樣領軍台股上攻,在兩大金融股國泰金及富邦金聯袂大漲 5% 的帶動下,中壽、兆豐金、元大金、京城銀、中信金、三商壽等漲幅也超過 2%。

另外生技股也在美國生技股大漲 7% 激勵,懷特、中化生、台耀、醣聯、健亞、合一、美時、易威、鐿鈦等均亮燈漲停,指標股浩鼎開高震盪,股價重回 290 元,中裕也站上 180 元,智擎也重新收復 210 元。

至於電子權值股雖然也是跟進反彈,但漲勢則相對偏低,除了大立光大漲逾 6% 外,台積電及鴻海漲幅都不到 2%,蘋概股部分則由中小型股領軍反彈,GIS-KY 漲幅逾 8%,緯創、TPK-KY、健鼎、嘉聯益、順德、光寶科、仁寶、華通、群創、良維等漲幅也有 3% 以上。

運達投顧分析師顏逸民表示,鋼鐵、生技都是川普建設概念股,至於電子族群則是要看權值股表現,尤其是鴻海即將公布的財報,更是外界關注焦點,儘管鴻海州現有修正跡象,但是月線仍相對持穩,基本上,台股今天成交值量縮到 900 億元以下,能否繼昨天之後再度回到 1000 億元以上的水準,將是影響指數後續能否續攻的關鍵。

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