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Low sugar foods help your diet. What foods are low in sugar?

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With the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for food is getting higher and higher. Not only should it taste good, but also it will be nutritious and healthy. A low carbohydrate diet is a diet advocated by many people, not only for diabetics but also for all healthy people.

The key to a low sugar diet is the low sugar content of the food. Choosing a low sugar regimen is a big step away from a variety of "rich diseases". What foods do we eat in life that are low in sugar? Let's get together with Xiao Bian and have a look!


A low sugar food.

Low sugar food mainly refers to vegetables, fruit and meat, the official name of low sugar food is "low carbohydrate food", is also in the dietary intake of fat and protein, less intake of carbohydrate, which is more Chicai eat less. Cereals and bean products and some vegetables are low sugar foods.

Vegetables: Asparagus, bamboo shoots, Chinese cabbage, celery, cucumber, eggplant, carrots, spinach, bean sprouts, potatoes, etc..

Fruits: apples, plums, strawberries, oranges, cherries, oranges, peaches, pears and other grains: whole wheat bran, oat bran, processed barley, etc..

Two, low sugar food recommended

(I) fruit

1. apples

Apple is rich in pectin, can reduce the absorption of fat and body waste accumulation, the effect of Qingchang superior, but also accelerate the The new supersedes the old. Apples are alkaline foods that neutralize the acid in the body and restore strength and disease resistance.

2. oranges

Oranges contain vitamin B group, and rich dietary fiber, which helps defecation and accelerates the metabolism of starch and fat. Orange can boost your immune system and lower your cholesterol. It is very beneficial for patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

(two) bean products

1. tofu

Tofu contains a large number of plant proteins, easy to satiety, and tofu is rich in trace elements, improve digestion function, help to lose weight, especially for the belly fat is particularly effective.

2. peanuts

Peanut has a nutrient called folic acid, which contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, can increase heat distribution, burning harmful cholesterol, reduce hyperlipidemia. Although peanuts are low in GI food, but the calories are high, so don't eat too much.

(three) staple foods

1. oats

Oatmeal can degrade blood sugar and has a good weight loss effect. Oatmeal has the effect of defecating and constipation. In addition, oatmeal can improve blood circulation, ease the life and work pressure; containing calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other minerals to prevent osteoporosis, promote wound healing and prevent the effect of anemia is calcium jiapin.

Low sugar foods help your diet. What foods are low in sugar?0

2. brown rice

Brown rice contains a lot of fiber, and its germ can improve the gastrointestinal function, promote metabolism and detoxification. Studies have shown that the glycemic index of brown rice is lower than that of white rice, increasing satiety, helping to control appetite, and helping obese people lose weight.

(four) vegetables

1. bitter gourd

Momordica charantia is not only rich in dietary fiber, it can delay the absorption of lipids. It also contains high vitamin C, can accelerate the metabolism of lipids, improve the body bactericidal ability, enhance immunity. Bitter bitter cold, refreshing thirst, promote The new supersedes the old.

2. spinach

Spinach is rich in plant crude fiber, can strengthen the gastrointestinal function, help digestion, effective treatment of constipation. And it contains carotene can be converted into vitamin A, and effectively promote growth and development. It contains iron, an important component of hemoglobin, which can assist in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

台長: yiwaifu


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