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2007-01-13 01:35:17 | 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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[雜記] Friday Flashback!



We’re having unusually warm and wet weather this winter, and so far seen no snow. This picture was taken two years ago at one of the Surrey University accommodation.

I truly miss it so much….

I had a really bad flare-up last night. I had a fever and sore throat, Thankfully, I felt a little better this afternoon. I rarely get sick, once that happens, it could turn into an acute way. Last night, The increased body temperature did irritated me a little, felt burned and chilled at the same time, which makes me very uncomfortable. But I am fine now!

Somehow both my housemate repeatedly complained they was not impressed about what Mr. King had done for the kitchen! To be honest, I couldn’t care less. Mr. King did try very hard for the refurbishment, and I really do appreciate the effort. So, could you please stop moaning?





台長: Loolooemily's
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