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2005-10-30 16:23:16| 人氣252| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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This batch of 12m Dennis Tridents are all bodied by Duple Metsec and are to a bus specification for operation on Hong Kong island franchised routes. One of the main differences with other Tridents is the staircase is moved to the middle of the bus opposite the rear door which allows passengers on the upper deck can get off the bus more easily and quickly.

The world’s first 21-inch plasma TV display for public buses was fitted on 2300 and led to the current development of Multi-media on-board. Some of these Tridents are also fitted with illuminated bus advertising panels which are unique in Hong Kong. One of the buses (2301) is usually chosen for company advertisement, such as "New Millennium", "Greener Bus" & "Year of the Horse.

台長: Vincent
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