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2007-11-19 04:08:33| 人氣152| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy Birthday Aunty Cherry and Luis

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11-15 is Aunty Cherry and her 2nd son, Luis’s birthday.

We had Papa John Pizza
and Church’s Fried Chicken the very first time

We also had a little cake...

The party was fun and we meet new friends..

Thomas Cake from Le Gourmet-Mommy’s favorite Pastry place

Pearly’s a couple of months younger than us (9/28)

She has two 6 years old twin brothers

o.k. .. someone cut the cake?

waiting for cake,

and this is a great pix with grandmom

Here comes the cake ^^

Amber’s taking Chloe for a ride

is that a ”bye-bye” or ”help”??


Looks like Chloe’s find herself a ride..

alright, sis,

Let’s roll..

台長: Alice
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Aunty Emily
You two are getting prettier and prettier everyday, daddy needs to start worry now!!
2007-11-22 04:41:23
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