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2007-12-03 03:49:51| 人氣49| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

We love Macaroni & Cheese

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10/27/07 was the first time Mommy cocked Mac & Cheese for us.

Mommy also let us feed ourselves for the first time.

Amber was really sick..again

Mommy let Chloe eat first while Amber still taking nap
..w/ Daddy
Amber’s finally up..

Her fever came down and was able to eat

She’s happy, too

P.S. today (12/1/07) Mommy cooked Mac & Cheese again..
Amber and Chloe won’t stop eating it till the whole
pot’s gone..

台長: Alice
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Aunty Emily
You guys are making me hungry!!!
2007-12-03 23:31:33
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