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2007-02-24 04:41:31| 人氣15| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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However, which my love leave me along
One month ago, we are still good friend
But now we become the stranger
I am so sad
But what can I do and what sould I do
I really love him
But he don’t know what I think

Now I really hope we can be the best best friend forever

Well, Since one week ago
We never talk anything even a word
This not I want

Whenever we become the stranger
I really don’t want it
Now when I see he on the messenter
I want to talk something with him
But I am arfaid, I don’t know what should I say and I can say what
I really miss him

台長: 心只為了你跳動
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