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【結婚送禮推薦】Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla 找折扣

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Maxi-Cois High Chair Minla 設計式樣: Essential Grey · 2019

Minla is the high chair from the 3-part home series of the famous and popular car seat manufacturer Maxi-Cosi. High-quality materials and six different seating options definitely speak for this stylish highchair.

Welcome Home! With Minla, your baby can participate at the family table right from birth. The super soft and comfy seat reducer supports your baby optimally. For the first few months, the Maxi-Cosi high chair Minla can be used in five different recline positions as well as with a tray that can be adjusted in 4 levels. The one-hand adjustment of the 2-piece tray makes it easier for your child to get in and out. When not in use you can easily store the tray on the back of the chair.

Minla is full of possibilities and accompanies your little one until the age of 6 years. No matter if you use Minla as a high chair for babies, stool for older children or as a booster seat for toddlers when travelling - you can quickly adapt the chair to all of your needs.

With nine different height levels, the chic Minla grows loyally with your child. At first, your sunshine can put their legs on the leg rest and later move on the foot rest.

As a stylish eye-catcher, Minla matches perfectly with the interior style of modern apartments. For storing Minla you can easily fold it thanks to folding mechanism. There are also two wheels on the front which make it particularly easy to move it from one room into another.

No matter whether there is some carrot juice or vegetable porridge spilled on the highchair, the water-repellent material can be wiped easily or else cleaned in the washing machine. The insert of the two-part tray is even dishwasher safe.



  • High chair with 6 seating options

  • 9 different heights

  • Suitable from birth up to 6 years

  • Including soft newborn insert

  • 購買使用後心得分享
  • Castors on the front, compact folding mechanism

  • Backrest can be adjusted in 5 different levels

  • 2-way adjustable footrest, 4-way adjustable legrest

  • Tray can be adjusted in 4 different levels

  • Removable double tray with seamless transition

  • High-quality material, stylish eye-catcher

  • Suitable for being used as a stool for older children
  • 找折扣

  • Suitable for being used as a booster when being on the go

  • Water-repellent material, machine washable

  • Weight: 11.15 kg




Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla





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Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

本季最新款, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

本季限量優惠, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

本季最新款推薦, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

春季最新款, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

夏季最新款, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

秋季最新款, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

冬季最新款, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

本季優惠活動, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

本季折扣活動, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

最優惠價格, Maxi-Cosi High Chair快速到貨網拍 Minla

搶手商品, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

滿額免運, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla

滿額享折扣, Maxi-Cosi High Chair Minla


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