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2009-08-15 19:00:46

tanah merah? 红土?

finally has a chance to go back my hometown d.. it has been 11weeks since i left my hometown.. nothing much changes here,just a bit here and there only lor .. this main purpose of coming back is to se...

2009-08-06 22:07:30

National Day August

it's august now..a lot of unexpected things happened within a week time.. totally unexpected which so appropriate to share it here.. it was also a busy week for me last week.. assignment and presentat...

2009-07-28 04:44:58

August is coming soon

It is 4.31am now and i still awake =) time flies, it already week 9 now which means that i still have 5 more weeks to go before my study week and continue with my semester break.. yeah yeah.. i can go...

2009-07-25 21:49:54


i am headache again now.. i haunting me since last two week..and this symptom seem like killing me all the time.. i cant even concentrate in the class and i hate it .. today i need to wake up at 10 co...

2009-07-24 22:55:50


Usually friday is more relax for me because i just need to attend two classes, 1 tutorial and 1 lecture..but i am freaking tired today..It raining this morning so i have the reason to skip the class.....

2009-07-22 23:08:18

i’m back

it has been 8 months since my last update....I've stay at kampar for more than 1 years.. amaze .. 从不喜欢变成 慢慢的享受这里的一切... now i am in my degree year and of course i have successfully pass...

2008-11-18 00:39:12


上了六个礼拜的课,感觉上还是blur blur的,这个学期的课真的不好上,除了要背,还是只能背。。assignment 也一样令人一个头两个大,真的搞不懂那些复杂又难懂的文字。。还好有一班朋友的陪伴,没有上个学期的恐惧与...

2008-10-16 21:10:40


2008-09-24 09:22:32


回来已有3天了, 在这里差不多和在金宝一样,每天都3,4 点才入眠,每天都和老友一起,一起吹水,一起用餐,一起出门。 这里真的变了,人和景都变了,回忆也随着便得更珍贵了。 跟朋友在一起的时候,时间变快,1小时...

2008-08-29 03:05:11

好久不见~ 烦~烦~烦

距离上次的跟新已有一段时间,其实不是不想跟新,只是有一点懒惰。。 最近发生了不少事,悲喜交集。。 *2008年8月20日是一个值得纪念的日子,那天是我第一次在UTAR得奖(song and dance competition 2008 utar fou...

2008-08-08 18:47:14


三个星期后,家人就会来接我回hometown了,离开有一段时间的hometown,真的真的很期待~~ 自从五月来这里求学后,就不曾回过去,第一是因为没有时间;第二是路途太遥远了..所以就恨下心肠不回去..话虽然这样说...

2008-08-08 18:27:54


在这边生活已有十几个星期了,每一天都很忙,都很充实;没有了以前每次考试偷看的习惯,在这里凡是都要靠自己,没有努力,休想拿到好成绩。。 5科midterm test里,有2科已经分会来了,拿到的成绩还算满意,两科都考...

2008-07-23 18:37:55


你对朋友的定义是什么? 转贴于某某人。。 [一个普通的朋友从未看过你哭泣。一个真正的朋友的双肩曾经让你的泪水湿浸。 一个普通的朋友讨厌你在他睡了后打来。一个真正的朋友会问为什么现在才打来。 一个普通的...

2008-07-23 18:10:50


终于病倒了,这是来了金保后第一次生病。昨天上完课后,housemate就陪我去看医生,花了27令吉。昨晚吃完药后就去找周公了,从6点多一直睡到今天早上9 点多才起身,晚上8点多时醒来上厕所兼和朋友msn。。虽然当时身体...

2008-07-16 18:33:27


这几天都在高压力的情况下度日,除了assignment,还要烦恼midterm..真的很想跟doraemon借法宝,让时间停下,让我有机会好好地休息。。 最近也很想回到中学时期,回到无忧无虑的日子,回到有家人与好朋友的...

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