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2008-07-09 16:08:42| 人氣33| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I got my report card la.....
haha....what can I do and what am I capable of?
I don’t know what I should do at this moment...
study?draw sth? sleep?
my mum told me to put effort in art so that I can have a higher chance to enter the program about art,
Ms.Po told me not to do anything except study.....

well........I should better go to sleep.......

台長: 烏英
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real anonymous
study. i want you to get into uni.
I might be able to do exchange programs and come back during a summer break. but only hku offers programs for me ><
im planning to extend my degree and take a 5 year program. so that i can do internships....dunno what my parents have to say about that lol
2008-07-11 01:20:31
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