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2006-10-04 21:19:57| 人氣37| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

to stephy

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there are something
i don’t want to say but i’m afraind that i can’t

the story since 1999
we met then we became good friend

do you know ? you are important for me
now you are one part of my life

happyness are all around us
during in ramsgate .
keep the good feel

of coures one day i will leave you but never mind we still have sometime we must let the good thing left

maybe no one can understand this article but this is something in my heart
put your heart in reading it you willo know me know us

台長: lonely wendy
人氣(37) | 回應(2)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

Oh,My goodness
Dear,why why why
How could you say it
Why you say you will leave me?
I need you.
You are a part of my life,too.
I cannot remember the day we met.
But I always remember the day we become good friends.
From that day, I know
Whereever I am whatever I do However I feel.
I never be alone.
I have a older sister.
I lost love from them.
But I know I never lose love from you.
My dear, I know, you know.
How important our friendish is.
Oh, not only friendish.
The love I cannot discribe it.
But I always know, we will keep it
Untill the earth dead, we dead.
The love is go on.
2006-10-04 21:32:07
How can I am not in tense?
Even since one day you will leave me-hoping that day is farther & farther.
Our heart is together.
I love you
Mrs Crouch love you -- my dear Mrs Hargreaves.
2006-10-04 22:11:25
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