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2014-09-26 10:10:32| 人氣36| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wow Power Leveling 1-100" Calum MacDougall

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Sony unveils waterproof Xperia ZR phone
Sony's Xperia ZR phone can withstand a dunking.(Credit:Sony)Sony is launching a new Xperia smartphone designed to be dunkable.Announced on Monday, the Xperia ZR phone can stay under as much as five feet of water for up to 30 minutes. Using the phone's 13-megapixel camera, you can shoot underwater photos and videos in full HD. The dedicated camera key also allows you to quickly take a shot even if the phone is locked.The camera takes advantage of Sony's Exmor RS for mobile image sensor with HDR (High Dynamic Range) for both photographs and videos. The company promises that photos and videos are automatically captured with the best settings. You can also turn on a burst mode to snap an unlimited series of photos at 15 frames per second.Related storiesSony CEO Wow Power Leveling 1-100 on PlayStation 4: Gamers come firstLego brings real robotic bricks to life for PlayStationSony eyes two former Apple executives for board"The Xperia ZR pushes the boundaries on where and how consumers can use the full potential of their smartphone," Calum MacDougall, director of Xperia Marketing at Sony Mobile Communications, said in a statement. "By combining Sony's leading camera technology with the highest level of water-resistance, you will never miss another moment."Powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core 1.5 GHz processor, the Xperia ZR offers a 4.6-inch HD Reality screen with Sony's Mobile Bravia Engine 2 technology. Equipped with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, the phone also provides 4G LTE connectivity.The Xperia ZR Wow Power Leveling 90-100 is slated to reach consumers in various markets around the world starting this quarter.
Sony unveils waterproof Xperia ZR phone

Wow Power Leveling 90-100 shop on http://www.plsgamemall.com/wow-world-of-warcraft-gold-us-powerleveling.html
Wow Power Leveling 90-100:   http://www.plsgamemall.com/wow-world-of-warcraft-gold-us-powerleveling.html

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