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cheap wow power levelingDalzell'

Soft-porn TV star refuses to wear electronic tag, says career-threatening
Dalzell's self-presentation on Twitter.(Credit:Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)I have never presented a pornographic show on television, but I imagine it's quite stressful.The normal scrutiny afforded TV personalities is surely doubled when your show has carnality at its core.It is, then, understandable why a 19-year-old adult TV presenter, Sophie Dalzell, was mortified on being told by a judge that she must wear an electronic tag on her ankle."You can't do that to me!" she cried. "No one can do that to me!" Actually, I did make that whole quote up. What transpired in reality was that she refused to wear the tag and had to go back to court. As the Daily Mail reports, she had previously been found guilty of criminal damage upon the driver of a BMW (and his car) and had been remiss in carrying out her community service order.So a security firm came to her house to fit her with the tag, which she was to wear for 8 weeks.Dalzell, from Manchester, England, insisted that she couldn't possibly allow this, as it would ruin her looks. She would, so surely, be fired from a job that requires perfection at all times.You will wish to apply for a porn TV presenter's job yourself when I tell that when she went back to court, she actually won her appeal. cheap wow power leveling She was merely fined 200 British pounds (around $300) and told to pay another 75 British pounds in costs.More Technically IncorrectIgnore your dull family, says new Facebook Home adHow Facebook and Twitter mess with DUI checkpoints'The Matrix' is back (in your hospital)Bad ads are ruining our (sex) World Of Warcraft power leveling lives, say AmericansT-Mobile's iPhone 5 ad is a low-budget revolutionAfter the case, Dalzell was quite adamant that her glamorous life had been threatened by electronic imperfection. She told the Mail: "A tag on my ankle wouldn't look very good. It's an eyesore. Your appearance is everything. I'm still mad about the whole situation."You might be mad about the whole situation too when I tell you that her lawyer told the court that she has given up the adult TV life in order to do other types of glamorous work, such as modeling and hosting.Somehow, one feels that the court might have been a touch lenient here. Still, as many stars do, she took to her Twitter account to express her inner thoughts and feelings.One example: "I just want perfect skin and hair and teeth and body proportions and endless supplies of money and intelligence is that too much to ask for."Here's another: "People pissing me Off judging me on whats wrote in the paper! Yous know f*** all and I was a victim whos been f***ing punished!!!!!"Victimhood, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Soft-porn TV star refuses to wear electronic tag, says career-threatening

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