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wow gold euThe Samsung Gold Brown and Gold Pink Galaxy S4.

Samsung offers gold finish on Galaxy S4
The Samsung Gold Brown and Gold Pink Galaxy S4.(Credit:Samsung)Apple's iPhone 5S won't be the only flagship handset featuring a gold finish.Samsung's Middle East social feeds on Wednesday announced wow gold eu the Gold Pink and Gold Brown Galaxy S4 units. The pink and brown phones come with a gold-colored backplate and feature the same design and internal components as the Galaxy S4.Samsung wow power leveling has not disclosed information on pricing or availability. It also appears that, for now, the handsets will only be available to customers in the Middle East.Samsung's announcement comes days after Apple launched its gold iPhone. That device, which has a champagne-like finish, is the first flagship handset from Apple that hasn't come in black or white colors.(Via The Verge)
Samsung offers gold finish on Galaxy S4

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