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wow power leveling eu The degree cap may be raised to 90

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Hotfix incoming just for select priest healing periods
While he reveals he doesn't want to get into the habit of smoking of it, everyone's favorite violet crab, Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Streets made this statement today:@venaliter Towards the be are living if you haven't so much seen the software. I don't want to have the habit in announcing hotfixes about Twitter. +25% PoH along with PoM.- Greg Lane (@Ghostcrawler) October Twelve, 2012Now, while wow power leveling eu he reveals it "may not live yet", it appears to be from new addition posts from Nethaera on the standard WOW Fast and Safe Power Leveling forums which often "yet" is coupon for "in the second batch of hotfixes". Nethaera says: NethaeraQuote:If will the buff move live. Because it was not in that respect there last night. Seen my fire wood from yesterday morning PoH is still the equal.I don't present an ETA for you adjusted yet, still we'll be sure that it will become updated within the Hotfix notes when it happens.sourceKeep an eye on Ghostcrawler's twitter, that knows when he let a second hotfix creep into his give! And I'm absolutely sure priests will welcome the changes in order to Prayer of Medicinal and Prayer of Mending.Mists in Pandaria is here! The degree cap may be raised to 90, a number of players possess returned to help Azeroth, and canine battles take the world by storm. Weather for all of the next news, and look for our extensive guide to Mists with Pandaria for anything you'll previously need to know.
Hotfix newly arriving for go for priest restorative spells

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