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2007-07-05 18:01:26| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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----- Original Message -----
From: Catherine Skelton
To: robert@justpremiums.com ; ’Suzie Rivett’ ; ’Peter Neville’ ; ’Katherine Sarantos’ ; ’Miranda’ ; ’Helen Pickering’
Cc: john@justpremiums.com ; ’Charles’ ; rod.mason@justpremiums.com ; ’Jim Karakoussis’
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:36 PM

Please note I will be in Hong Kong from the 20th August through to the 9th September.

One of the purpose of my trips will be to visit as many suppliers/factories as possible. To ensure all development is on the go and tracking to our requirements. I will also be looking for new premium items and possible toy items. Will also for Peter be working with our Toy Principals to ensure we are ready for the Australian toy buyers 1st week September. I will also be visiting the Forwarding houses for Coles, Myer, Woolworths Big W David Jones etc. (Will organize this with Charles down the track).

Can everyone please look through your projects and detail to me what requirements you are looking for and the suppliers you are dealing with. Also if you have actual products you are looking for. I will have the list from our Premium meeting but anything you require following up etc please keep listing and ensure I have all details by end of July so I can make the revelant appointments and to best be able to work my time in Hong Kong. I will be totally contactable by email and by mobile and the HK Office phone. Unless in China.


Catherine Skelton

Managing Director

Just Premiums International

9/8 Garden Rd

Clayton VIC 3168


ph: +61 3 8561 5777

fx: +61 3 8561 5755

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