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2006-04-18 12:15:29

1/2 Bath

The first floor of my house has an open kitchen with living room. dinning room and an half bathroom. I started painting the first floor walls last Oct. but never compelete the ceiling. Last weekend,...

2006-03-22 12:53:39

New Chandelier

Yeah... I finally found the new chandelier and had it put on. Don’t you love it? I got it on the overstock.com and it was a great deal. I am loving it. Superb!!! Ally

2006-03-20 14:00:49

New Color for the Master Bath

You would think that painting is easy. Oh no... hell no. It took me hours to complete the entire master bath. I suggest myself to hire someone next time..... too much work.

2006-02-11 12:20:26


這是小妹自己看旅遊書所排定的行程,想請各位大哥,大姐,弟弟,妹妹們,如有去過捷克,請不吝的給點建議,以及一些關於當地的情報,讓我們的布拉格之旅因為你們的訊息更完整與美好........ 感激不盡@~~~ 行程如下: ...

2005-11-29 14:09:59

The House - kitchen

hey...that is a picture of my kitchen after I pained orange. I’ll show you more later....

2005-11-29 14:08:03


I can’t seem to leave any message on the 留言板. I don’t know why... there are some technical difficulty for me. Any way, this is what I want to say to Jasmin... J, I am sorry for your lost. ...

2005-11-29 13:54:11


One month ago, I called Tom and asked for picking up the dogs for the weekend. Tom didn’t answer the phone. Instead, he wrote me an emai. Here is the summary of the email - It’s been two years...

2005-10-26 03:28:05


加上大樹哥,今天一共三個人說小狗仔應該會是男生了。 前兩位依據的是我臉上的痘子, 而大樹哥則是看見我背上長的那些。 OK,當然我對小狗仔的性別有所期待, 尤其在大樹哥說我們生一個baby就好了之後...........

2005-03-17 02:40:32


這幾天當地陪的收穫 就是挖掘了許多可以瘋狂血拼的地方 用'瘋狂'二字真的一點都不為過喔!! 皮衣外套一件NT1500有找 一整條可以殺價殺到樂翻天的街(我們買了4300的東西最後1200成交) see,有圖為證 殺頭拍胸脯保...

2005-03-07 23:25:52

2005 日本行 - 3/3 - 3/6 完--

3/3 本來打算今天去上網的, 沒想到一睡就到了下午三點半, 那今天就在家寫報告好了, 來到這都沒什麼時間寫, 應該說是懶的寫, hehee…. 晚上十點多, 既然這麼早就下班了, 還去買了東西回來煮, 不是吧, 又沒吃飯, 難怪...

2005-03-07 18:03:30

2005 日本行 - 3/3 - 3/6

3/3 本來打算今天去上網的, 沒想到一睡就到了下午三點半, 那今天就在家寫報告好了, 來到這都沒什麼時間寫, 應該說是懶的寫, hehee…. 晚上十點多, 既然這麼早就下班了, 還去買了東西回來煮, 不是吧, 又沒吃飯, 難怪...

2005-03-07 17:54:52

2005 日本行 - 3/3 - 3/6 完--

3/3 本來打算今天去上網的, 沒想到一睡就到了下午三點半, 那今天就在家寫報告好了, 來到這都沒什麼時間寫, 應該說是懶的寫, hehee…. 晚上十點多, 既然這麼早就下班了, 還去買了東西回來煮, 不是吧, 又沒吃飯, 難怪...

2005-03-07 17:53:15

日本行 3/3 - 3/6

3/3 本來打算今天去上網的, 沒想到一睡就到了下午三點半, 那今天就在家寫報告好了, 來到這都沒什麼時間寫, 應該說是懶的寫, hehee…. 晚上十點多, 既然這麼早就下班了, 還去買了東西回來煮, 不是吧, 又沒吃飯, 難怪...

2005-03-04 09:54:30

2005 日本行-2/26 - 3/2

又是一個對我的旅行不是很好的開始 2/26 預訂的班機莫名的被拉, 而航空公司又嚴重的超賣, 經多方的打聽, 唯一有可能可以讓我提早到NRT的方法就是一早去機場後補第一班的飛機, 如果補不到, 就得乖乖的坐最後的一班,...

2005-03-01 15:09:49

Picture of Josh and I

Attached is a picture of Josh and I. You will find that he doesn't look like the type I like. The turth is 'yes' he is not my type at all. However, I like that he makes me smile and happy when I am ar...

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