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2011-03-07 22:02:18| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I can feel the disconnection between u and me
I feel sorry what happen between us
I am completely exhausted
I want to give up and it needs my whole body to make this decision
Its scary terrifying and sad

Do u know that all my statement started wif "I"
I hv no idea wts going on in ur mind

ok, ys, i dont want to stay here bcox my english sucks, my social network sucks, my life sucks

wt a shame

I dont even want to admit this failure


Is that i make myself such a bad mood, experience, life and day
stop doing this to me, my dark side
Start working on it now
U dont want fail anybody rite
its a commentment

台長: wingia


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