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2004-12-05 10:51:38| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Friendship Forever

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Remember that we are knowing for the moment for the first time. Activity that we participated in the secretary of students’ union and held a by-election at that time . Very lucky we can enter . From then on, we began our cooperative journey.
Our already honour is stopped now. But we are still friends hard. Do you think ? we are veterans in the school now. Becoming the advisor of students’ union, the true space of this name is empty.
We have had four years in the students’ union. Our friendship is up to during this time Passage of time. Becoming firmer, perhaps we were at the same level at that time, joined newly. The topic is relatively close after all. I really cherish the memory of past day very much, it is believed that you are too.
We were in the first three years of students’ union. We are led by miss. By sir in one year when later . All led by sir now. Transition through two. We compare. They treat the serious degree of work of the students’ union. Have the difference. Remember that you have asked me. But my answer not clear.
In fact no matter by miss, whether or sir is led it is nothing serious . It is the suggestion put forward that it is the most important someone accepts, minority obey more. Don’t be partial.
Remember that we play simultaneously in the students’ union, day working simultaneously. Really worth remembering. Though work hard, it is happy. We play with the whole room of students’ union in a mess. Then tidy up together. We work before dawn , though the homework can be handed in late, very tired. Really hope that miss says that can have a holiday for one day. The large-scalest work can be regarded as the annual singing match. We make sure to go home later than the Cinderella. Fortunately there is sir (the boyfriend of miss ) that goes home in year. Hot and bitter he really. Accompany We. They have got married, really give us a kind of happy feeling. The profit that we received them too is ......
We love the students’ union very much each other. We have paid a lot of for it. I want to thank it too, make me much riper. Teach and understand me . Have known much more. I know that in the last year , we both no longer like. Everything happens very unexpectedly. But I will only hope that they run the students’ union well.
We are of the same class in grade three of junior middle school. Remember that we give a report together? Your home very far from my home, but we spent one night and gave a report at your home . The night really passes very fast. We participated in in succession Family property cup all have four years ......
It is that we have studied in the school in the last year this year. Later we will go one’s own way, continued reading for future. I hope that we will keep in touch. Prepare the memoir. Ones that must be got beauty ......
I believe that we have already become the partner at work in study. We still have a cooperative chance after hoping.

台長: 葉子(^ο^)
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