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Plants should be turned over and pruned in spring

For flowers with hairy leaves, it is not easy to evaporate after spraying water on the leaves, but it is easy to cause leaf decay, so watering with a watering can is not suitable. If you put a few tablets of vitamin C in tap water, you can eliminate chlorine in water. Generally, add one tablet to a basin of water and water the flowers for half a day. Pour more in hot weather and less in cold weather. Water more in the morning and less in the overcast. Most of the seedlings are watered, and the seedlings are watered less.

When the temperature is below 10 ℃, add some hot water in the water to make the water temperature close to the soil temperature as much as possible, so as to create a microclimate suitable for flower growth. For flowers that are in full bloom, do not spray more water, otherwise it will cause petal decay, or affect the pollination and fertilization of male and female flowers, so as to reduce the fruiting rate. Sometimes for small plastic nursery pots, the plastic bag can be directly covered outside the flowerpot, so that its lower part is close to the edge of the basin, and a small hole with a diameter of about 0.5cm can be cut at the top of the bag.

When in use, it should be stirred first and then watered. After such rice washing water irrigation, flowers can grow healthily, bloom more, have strong fragrance, spend a long time and bear more fruits. Some flowers can immediately close their pores when they encounter smoke; Some flowers have hairy protection around their stomata. Fertilizer is an important material basis for the growth and development of flowers. The growth of flowers requires not only light, temperature, water and gas, but also various nutrients.

The base fertilizer is mainly slow effect organic fertilizer, and a small number of inorganic fertilizers such as calcium superphosphate or phosphate rock powder of about 0.3% are also used as base fertilizer. When making fertilizer, an appropriate amount of water should be added to the mouth of the jar, which can effectively separate the odor and prevent it from spreading outward. Because in the daily life of families, some waste can be used to prepare fertilizer. Families usually use soaking method and stacking method to make organic fertilizer.

Regular use can improve the soil, make the 1 gallon pot soil loose and fertile, and increase the ability of fertilizer and water retention, but it should be decomposed before use. For flowers and trees observing fruits and flowers, when growing branches and leaves, apply nitrogen fertilizer once or twice. Before flower bud differentiation, flower bud growth and flowering, apply phosphorus fertilizer. If there is night tide, it is dry and wet, and it is not easy to dry and harden, it is fertile soil; The soil without night tide is thin soil.

During the vigorous growth period, organic fertilizer should be applied once every half a month; In the slow growth period, less or no fertilizer should be applied; Those that can still grow in the greenhouse in winter should be fertilized in time. It contains many sand grains, loose soil, easy to cultivate, large soil gap, easy to ventilate and water, but it can not store water and fertilizer. For example, in spring, several plum blossoms are inserted into the copper bottle, which makes the room look particularly elegant and dignified. The newly generated cinder is clean and free of diseases and insect pests.

In winter, we should strengthen antifreeze, cover the culture soil to increase cold resistance, and apply base fertilizer to lay the foundation for growth and development in the second year. Steam disinfection is to put the substrate into a steamer, steam it for 30 minutes after boiling, take it out and cool it before use. Pay attention to disinfecting the substrate. For hydroponic flowers, the roots of flowers are immersed in nutrient solution, and the buffer capacity of nutrient solution is worse than that of substrate cultivation.

After the base soil is selected, fill the basin, burn the straw into ash and mash it, and divide it into two parts. Half of it is paved on the base fertilizer, half of it is soaked in water for use, and then the 5 gallon plastic pots is paved with soil and compacted. The seedlings in the basin at the beginning of the service basin should be placed in the shade for about 1 week before they can resume growth. During this period, pay attention to spraying water on the leaf surface to increase the environmental humidity. Finally, strengthen the root system, that is, put fragments such as quartz and axe stone on the root system to avoid lodging.

Hydroponic flowers generally require room temperature above 5 ℃ and below 30 ℃, and can not be exposed to the sun to prevent excessive liquid temperature from damaging roots. Strengthen ventilation during curing to prevent high temperature. The matrix used is perlite and ceramic gravel. Transplanting from September to October. Dry watering can be seen on the surface perlite. Directly sow on the substrate, and then cover it with 0.5 ~ 1 cm thick substrate, keep the temperature at 15 ~ 25 ℃, and emerge in 3 ~ 7 days.

Don't neglect to apply fertilizer during the period from budding to flowering. The matrix used is perlite, ceramic gravel and mixed matrix. Rehydration twice a week. Several hyacinths can also be planted in the bathtub. The substrate is sand and supplemented by shady ferns to form a small scene full of wild interest, which is also very chic. Root washing and hydroponic culture, cut 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2 of the root system. It should not be placed in the place with insufficient indoor light for a long time.

The 15 gallon nursery pots soil should be kept dry before fertilization, so that the flowers and trees can be absorbed more easily in the state of "hunger and thirst". When applying fertilizer, it is required to avoid contaminating the stems, leaves, roots and necks as much as possible. Prevent overgrowth. Let it be exposed to the sun during the day, pour out the water of the container at night, and protect the root with wet gauze. In this way, overgrowth can be controlled, strong and beautiful. Pruning is to cut off the branches that are too dense and disturb the plant shape.

After plant senescence, a large number of peripheral branches wither, the backbone branches are incomplete, the tree crown is irregular, the amount of flowers and fruits decreases, and the ornamental effect decreases or disappears. The natural open center shape has no central trunk and the center is not empty, but the branches are low. The three main branches are distributed at intervals and spread in the center. When Jasmine leaves the room in spring, remove the old leaves, which is conducive to more new branches, vigorous growth and more flower buds. But conifers are not suitable for leaf picking.

When pruning, we should control the intensity and grasp the time. Generally, in late spring, it is best to prune trees just before germination, and the wound is easy to heal. In order to obtain large and high-quality fruits, appropriate thinning should be carried out; Sometimes in order to make the flowers bloom continuously, the fruits are often removed. The correct pruning method is that the oblique section is opposite to the direction of the bud, the upper end is flush with the bud end, and the lower end is flush with the waist of the bud.

The plastic basin has the advantages of light texture, beautiful appearance, non fragile, good decorative effect and low price, but it has poor water permeability and is not suitable for the growth of flowers. After the soil mass comes out, shake off or cut off half of the old soil first, and cut off the bad roots and some old roots. Replant the flowers and trees according to the steps of the upper basin, and compress the 3 gallon pots soil. The main trunk or two main branches are grafted at a certain height from the ground to form a connecting trunk or branch.

In this way, for small lateral branches, because of their short service life, even if there are inappropriate places in the direction and position of buds, it has little impact on the whole plant. Species with strong germination power or tree species easy to dry in winter can be cut off from the ground in winter to re germinate in the next spring, such as wattle, drunken fish grass, etc. The trunk of straight dry trees is upright, and the crown is positioned by cutting, cutting, coiling, bending and binding to form a beautiful tree shape.

All side branches must be wiped off at any time. After transplanting, Marigold is toppled 2 ~ 3 times to dwarf and promote multiple branches and flowering. Triangular flowers bloom most on the outer lateral branches in the middle and upper part of the plant, so these branches should be cut less and lightly, and the long branches should be cut off or cut short in time. Although the older plants can branch and blossom after pruning, their growth and flowering gradually deteriorate, so they should be renewed by nursery propagation.

台長: Vincent Lee
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