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2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2021-01-22 15:10:43


目前大園+楊梅+埔心+龍興+中壢分局以搜捕潛逃名義進行了限制居所的剝皮行為掩飾公部門裡偽造文書侵門踏戶集體霸凌與不倫, 細節如下: 請問:這樣是維護國民健康的實例嗎? 辛苦了醫護人員們聯合司法單位"干擾稅制影響金...

2021-01-22 14:57:33


非常謝謝 孫小姐寫出這段並讓我閱讀分享! 198x年時有一段時間,下課後從板橋前往北車附近的明星咖啡店,為了看看他的背影。 有時候聖嚴師父早我幾步先到了,總覺得兩人的身影有些許相像。 偶爾中壢家裡會有些名牌茶...

2021-01-22 14:42:03


I am not able to catch them, what they've share on facebook the other day. 我們的島 1月19日下午5:48· 【島在現場】 大型風機加上沙丘,獨...

2021-01-19 12:55:18


Tonight....in Taoyuan, Taiwan. 0119 + 0120 走讀巷弄 陽光賞臉走逛河邊步道並且慰勞一份酸辣麵 牛筋學院在新興公園看孩子們嬉戲+打鬧+打籃球風吹樹影搖動且陽光暖暖地有幸福的奇妙感覺! 然而算算時間...

2021-01-19 12:54:01


有些記憶是一種和藻礁連結的革命感情!無法被取代,就像老朋友一樣 That what Dr Jauwen Chan told me on facebook the other day. Let's see... Share:Jauwen Chan 1月15日下午11:32· ...

2021-01-19 12:39:06


Every so often read the articles he wrote since 20 year ago, different edition or different translation is accepted. Here's the best I want to share today, not sure any comments that kids will gave me...

2021-01-19 12:37:33


Appreciated to have sun shine today, and really good to walk fast around LiaoJie River before sunset. w/ Chiechin Peng Not sure how many photos I took, share some with you. 不知道能補幾張照片...

2021-01-19 12:35:48

1224 & 1225 走讀巷弄

1224 & 1225 走讀巷弄 為觀新藻礁健走 (補照片) Continued..... To be honest, it's not really good to walk for our alga reef in Taoyuan that day in Taipei on Dec 25, because..... w/ Chiechin Peng...

2021-01-19 12:34:13


It's really good to have a seat and watch three films that director shared that night at #TaoyuanArtsCinema. All images are stories themselves and really can tell something. Happy to have director to ...

2021-01-12 14:16:53

0109 走讀巷弄

0109 走讀巷弄 Walked and run fast to get there in the morming on Jan 9th 2021. Opening hour for a book just published and, songs and dance, tea and cake…… 邊跑邊走趕上中壢延平路阿沐餐...

2021-01-12 14:15:22

Sweeney Todd 瘋狂理髮師

電影立體構圖穩健且與歌劇內容橋段乎應,無論是視角呈現弧狀、傾斜弧狀或拉背景、漂浮、至正面前景(像野餐那段),都展現運鏡、打光、彩度、音樂強度、唱功及VFX的技術優秀,到影片結尾畫面仍驚駭不瞭草。 每段都做...

2021-01-12 14:12:03


出動優秀的片尾演唱+弦樂鋼琴行銷電車/手機/數位相機/溫暖餐點老屋與單車, 卻配上文法弱的日文與英文片名, 以都會情愛掩飾中年大叔(大嬸)對十五歲少女(少男)的奇想, 不倫終究是不倫, 很難辯解或矯飾. 也不是恐怖片說...

2021-01-12 14:06:42


進現場觀影才知道是彩色畫面,且畫質聲音與音樂表現很好的影片。 發現過去沒很仔細留意到的片段、走位與細節劇情又找回來了! 然而這部帶有行銷德先生與賽先生的歌舞片,應當有其分量和影史地位;目前是地表移動帝...

2021-01-08 15:52:01


Shall meet them up tomorrow morning in Pingcheng. Let's see what will be bring out. 陳新平 ──和 宋傳敦 及其他 5 人。 昨天上午11:44· 202...

2021-01-08 15:45:45


Kindly to come and enjoy the exhibitation, good and movies around. 馬祖新村眷村文創園區 1月5日下午6:00· ​2021新年新禮想​ #什麼是你2021年的理想...

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