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2004-07-20 19:24:56| 人氣56| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

柏格曼老爹退休去 原來你念念不忘的還是劇場啊

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以Wild Strawberry, Seventh Seal, Fanny & Alexandra等片傳奇一世的瑞典導演,

以下是Association Press的報導
(詭異的是英國的媒體居然沒有沒有任何篇幅報導此事,美國來的米老鼠先生倒是出現在衛報 The Guardian 網路版的頭條裡,這兩件事情應該是有一種秘密的陰謀相連結著)

Bergman: My heart remains with theater

Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman is seen in this Dec. 22, 2000 file photo, in Stockholm, Sweden. (AP Photo/Jonte Wentzell, File) (圖說)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Ingmar Bergman, one of the great masters of modern cinema, celebrated his 86th birthday Wednesday with a sour gift for fans - an announcement that he's retiring from the stage.

Bergman said his 2002 production of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghost" at Sweden's Royal Dramatic Theatre would be his last.
"After 'Ghost' I decided that this must be it. I do not want them to carry me out of the theater. I'm leaving by myself," he said in an interview with the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. "Nobody will need to say, 'Now the old man has to quit.'"
The film icon also said that his heart remains with theater, rather than the cinema.

"Theater is the beginning and end and actually everything, while cinema belongs to the whoring and slaughterhouse trade," Bergman told the newspaper.

While theater is the backbone of his artistic career, his involvement in films has endeared him to cinema lovers. He won three Oscars in the best foreign film category, the last in 1983 for "Fanny and Alexander."
"We worked on Fanny and Alexander for seven months and it was an amusing production. Still, it was very long and heavy and so awfully complicated," Bergman said. "And when the premiere was over and everything went well, I thought: that's that."

Speaking of death, Bergman said he did not fear it or find it mysterious.
"To me, death has never been a stranger," he said.
Death played a key role in his 1957 film, "The Seventh Seal," which was nominated for an Academy Award in the best picture category. The film contains one of cinema's most famous scenes - a knight playing chess with the shrouded figure of "death."

台長: 艾莉絲還在夢遊仙境
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