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2022-02-11 15:52:44| 人氣94| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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The difference between graphene heating and far infrared

1. The wavelengths of heating light are different. For graphene heating products, the wavelengths are concentrated in 9~12μm, which is closer to the infrared wavelength of the human body.home care medical supplies Graphene heating products are more beneficial to human health than traditional heating wearable products;



2. The effect of heating products is different. When using traditional heating wearing products, the frequency of use is slightly higher, which may cause problems such as dry skin and cracking. Such problems will not exist when using graphene products to keep warm or heat.



In fact, traditional heating wearable products can be added to other fashionable and smart products. The difference between graphene heating products and most other traditional heating wearable products is the health of the human body.



What are the functions of ultrasonic therapy equipment?

Precautions for the use of ultrasonic therapy equipment   

What are the benefits of steam eye mask

台長: wljiateng
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重) | 個人分類: technology |
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