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What to do before bed to improve sleep quality

drink hot milk before bed

Many people know that drinking warm milk before going to bed can improve the quality of our sleep, because milk contains calcium and tryptophan, which can inhibit people's excitement, let us be in a calm state, and fall asleep as soon as possible. sleep aid handheld device    We do not drink coffee, strong tea and milk tea at night because these can cause us to lose sleep. After 11pm is detox time for our organs. If we haven't fallen asleep at this point, our body will be in a state of weight-bearing.

Soak your feet before bed

Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed can improve sleep quality. We can soak for 30 minutes. During the soaking process, we can massage the soles and calves, mainly the soles and toes. The water used to soak your feet is generally based on individual circumstances. However, patients with diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and those with frostbite feet should not soak in hot water. Also, don't go to bed right after your feet soak.


Is there a device for sleep aids?   

What are the ways to help sleep    

​How to improve sleep quality  

台長: wljiateng
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