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Umisky beautiful world brand umisky beautiful world brand um

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Umisky beautiful world brand umisky beautiful world brand umisky beautiful world agent umisky beauti-紀培慧

umisky beautiful world women from Vientiane Jincheng garment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. founded in 1996, is a clothing design, production, sales, brand management in one of the large-scale clothing brand management enterprise. Company is headquartered in Shenzhen, its operating management is designed by Hongkong and domestic famous designers: umisky-Ladies (beautiful world),burberry包包型錄, Finette **ion (Fen Li), umisky-Young, umisky-Tng in four women's brand. Company existing staff has more than 1800 people, year garment production 2000000, to achieve annual sales of more than 500000000 yuan. Company to the unique marketing model and advanced network information management has attracted more than 250 franchisees and at the national success with more than 550 straight battalion store.
beautiful world brand introduction
every heart, there is a beautiful world...... We have always believed that, each person in the heart has a beautiful world. Apart from the people, the world is neutral, we work for the world to add color: beautiful scenery,Umisky beautiful world brand umisky beautiful world brand umisky beautiful world agent umisky beauti, beautiful mood, beautiful world. In this beautiful world, every woman is God's grace, regardless of 20 years, 30 years old, 40 years old, each stage has a unique beauty, the youth lively, sweet, gentle, pretty intellectual romantic and elegant, beautiful heart needs to create, to the right time, in the right place, for the perfect dress.
15 years, with your companions, dedicated to the clothing retailer spread beautiful: Shenzhen City Beautiful World Fashion Co., Ltd., formerly known as the 1996 creation of the Shenzhen Casablanca Co. Ltd., company headquartered in Shenzhen. Operating under management: "umisky/Ladies beautiful world", "Finette **ion FINETTE", "umisky/Young", "umisky-/TNG" brand. The shop is based in Guangdong, widely distributed in Southern China, East China, southwest, northwest, North China, East China, is committed to providing high-quality clothing and attentive service, for 15 years, with a total growth of customers, won many modern women love.

FINETTE "Finette"
brand positioning: senior women in female dominated design, emphasizing a sense of family and collocation, with set beads, embroidery and other design elements, attention to detail, product style with female soft, romantic and European fashion style, according to 25-35, there are certain economic ability and aesthetic vision, with independent thinking, the pursuit of perfect, fashion and without losing femininity in modern women
Product Price: spring products to 360 yuan and 578 yuan for the main price, autumn and winter products to 428 yuan, 1148 yuan for the main price

umisky beautiful world brand positioning: founded in 1996 in Shenzhen. The occupation installed for the leading product,burberry包包型錄, the style simple, elegant, solemn and not lively, fashion, color Feng >

台長: 一紙承諾
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