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2009-09-20 21:46:49| 人氣188| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

One day in your life

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One day in your life

One day in your life 生命中的某一天
You'll remember a place 你必定回憶起這個故地這位曾觸及過
Someone touching your face你面頰的人
You'll come back and you'll look around, you'll . . .你必定故地重遊四處瀏躂你的....

One day in your life 生命中的某一天
You'll remember the love you found here 你必定回憶起所發現的愛情
You'll remember me somehow  以致你必定記念著
Though you dont need me now  縱然這刻已不需要我
I will stay in your heart  至於我必守候在你心坎中
And when things fall apart  縱然萬事都成為零碎
You'll remember one day . . .你必定回憶這一天

One day in your life 生命中的某一天
When you find that you're always waiting 當你如常的等候著那份我們從前互相
For a love we used to share 分享的愛情時
Just call my name, and I'll be there 你發現只需呼出我的名字我就在哪

You'll remember me somehow 以致你必定記念著
Though you dont need me now 縱然這刻已不需要我
I will stay in your heart 至於我必守候在你心坎中
And when things fall apart 縱然萬事都成為零碎
You'll remember one day . . .你必定回憶這一天

One day in your life 生命中的某一天
When you find that you're always lonely 當你如常的感到孤單難耐
For a love we used to share  那份我們從前互相分享的愛情時
Just call my name, and I'll be there 你發現只需呼出我的名字我就在哪

台長: Wai C


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