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2009-03-12 16:58:10| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

just something little

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The television has had something wrong since last Saturday.

We thought the problem is caused by the 延長線 at first.

But we turned the attention on the television later.

My mother was very angery about it today noon,and then called the company.

The person said that they will appoint a repairer to come to fix it after 2 days.


I shouldn't be in front of the computer now because I spent so much time sleeping today.

But I sometimes want to be lazy in a short time when I study...@@

It is just  personality of every person. =v=


I don't get used to writing in English now, but I should practice it in life.

It is said "Practice makes perfact",I hope so~

Although it is a big troublesome to me, I'll try my best to keep it on...唉~@@

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