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特力屋momo也買不到的專業led植物燈 - VITALUX, 台灣最強大植物光譜創新專家

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VITALUX台灣專業全光譜波段晶片科技植物生長燈, 目前只授權台灣PChome商店街-台灣LED燈具網獨家販售, 所以在momo或特力屋都銷售的植物照明燈都不是VITALUX的品牌燈具, 提醒v燈粉絲要特別留意!!


LED植物燈(鍍鉻架專用x掛勾型燈管x2尺) 全光譜 日出自然光(z3)|內嵌紅光晶片(非添加紅粉染色)|植物照明補光專家:VITALUX台灣原創正版




產品說明: 掛勾型 LED植物燈管  (2尺,58cm)
本 LED植物燈管為「全光譜-日出自然光(uv+))」植物生長配比(z3)
(1) 採半弧面型廣角光罩與特殊LED角度與線型排列, 混光效果佳, 且照射面積廣; 
(2) 透明光罩設計,透光率高, 有效傳遞光能給植物, 光能低損耗; 
(3) 免安裝傳統T5或T8燈管燈座, 以專利掛勾設計, 特別適合鍍鉻架(鐵力士架)使用; 
(4) 變壓器外置, 壽命長, 並附獨立開關電源, 開關燈超便利, 免拔插頭;
(5) 掛勾型LED植物燈管的鋁散熱器有特殊絕緣塗層, 有效預防人體觸電;
(6) 安裝燈管數量可依實際照射面積增減,   並依照需求可轉動調整led照射方向;
(7)   本產品含UV光源,   限用於植物照明 

圖1: 鍍鉻架專利掛勾型led植物燈管

圖2: 全光譜-日出自然光(uv+)植物燈光譜


LED植物生長燈管:可360度旋轉, 免燈具型, 多種配色可選 (介紹影片)

PS.以上影片為LED植物燈管R:W=1:2配色樣式, 尺寸為60cm樣版, 量產90cm(18燈), 120cm(24燈)


※ 保固資訊:不當人為使用,自行拆解,外力破壞,不列保固範圍(1年) 
※ 製造產地:台灣(Taiwan)  
※ 價格標示:本店商品若無特別註記,皆為1支包裝價格! 
※ 注意事項:此為接單生產製造之產品,除產品本身瑕疵,否則無法退換貨 
※ 安裝建議:請參閱以下網址,具詳細說明https://www.facebook.com/horticluture.led.growing.lights/

led plant grow light tube

The 17W led plant grow light tube was designed with efficiency and versatility in mind. While it may be the shortest tube light we offer, don't let it fool you, the VITALUX is a serious producer. Using a single led plant grow light tube is perfectly suited to small, personal grows in concealed spaces and, because of our proprietary spectral output, you will enjoy faster growth rates, tight internode spacing, prolific flowering. Specifically designed with stealth growing in mind, this small but capable light can supply your needs. 

This is the answer for a quick, easy way to grow your own supply discreetly! Superior build-quality, performance, and reliability comes standard with every LED Grow Light from VITALUX LED. 

The 17W led plant grow light tube can be used as supplemental lighting for small greenhouse spaces or as the primary lighting source for indoor growing applications such as closets and cabinets. The size, footprint, and capabilities of this light makes it popular amongst individuals, self-reliance gardeners, and Legal Medical Growers. Explore our various LED grow tests to see our lights in action! 

Seed Starting & Clones 
All VITALUX LED Grow Lights are capable of seed starting and supporting clones. This model delivers very intense spectra of light which can overwhelm seedlings and clones - to compensate for it, you must keep the light at 15cm above most sprouts until the first sets of true leaves are formed or your clones are rooted. Height depends on the light needs of the particular plant being grown. 

Vegetative Growth 
Because of the balanced light spectra we use, our lights offer unparalleled vegetative growth, resulting in thick-stemmed, stocky plants with plenty of branching and flowering sites. Suitable for growing vegetative-only plants such as lettuce, herbs, spinach, kale, and more. During vegetative growth, keep the light at a distance of 15-30cm from the tops of the plants. 

Flowering Stage 
Our lights were specifically designed to be versatile enough to grow both vegetative plants and flowering/fruiting plants. There is no need to change between output spectra or use a different light for flowering than for vegetative growth. Each light from VITALUX LED can help your plants thrive from seed or clone through flowering stage. Our users experience the same or better flowering using our lights than using HPS. Please contact us for proper setup instructions. During flowering stage, keep the light at a distance of 15~30cm from the canopy. 








LED Grow Light Bulb | Lampe pour les plantes | Gefuhrt Wachsen Lichter | Llevado Crezca Las Luces | Luzes LED Crescer | Crescono Le Luci Led | Led Kweeklampen | रोशनी बढ़ती हुई |LED Plant Grow Light | eclairage Jardin LED | LED Anlage Wachsen Licht | LE Planta Crece las Luces LED | Lampada Crescimento das Plantas | Lampade LED Coltivazione | LED Planten Groeien Licht | एलईडी लाइट संयंत्र की वृद् | LED植物燈泡

台長: LTRI

vitalux專業植物燈,亮度是特力屋植物燈的10倍以上!很誇張的亮度, 而且波長也比Q的還要精準!
2019-07-26 12:08:57
2019-07-26 12:09:55
#植物生長燈diy #植物生長燈有用嗎 #led植物燈特力屋 #植物生長燈露天 #小型植物燈 #植物生長燈ptt #全光譜植物燈 #植物燈管哪裡買 #usb植物燈 #全光譜植物燈推薦 #小型植物燈 植物燈 #植物燈momo #植物燈管哪裡買 #led植物燈教學 #飛利浦植物燈 #台中植物燈 植物燈瓦數

(1) Led植物燈|LED植物生長燈|LED培養燈- 首頁 - https://www.facebook.com/horticluture.led.growing.lights
(2) 多肉植物專用led植物燈 https://www.facebook.com/horticluture.led.growing.lights
(3) LED多肉植物燈miTaiwan Succulent Plant Cultivating LED Lights https://www.facebook.com/Vitalux.Succulents.LED.Grow.Lights/
(4) 苔蘚專用led植物燈 - 微景觀燈,苔瓶燈,侘草燈 https://www.facebook.com/moss.terrarium.led.lights/
(5) 食蟲植物LED栽培燈Carnivorous Plant LED Grow Light https://www.facebook.com/Carnivorous.LED.Grow.Light/
(6) 多肉植物專用led植物燈 https://www.facebook.com/tissue.culture.succulents/
(7) Led藥用植物燈 https://www.facebook.com/medical.plants.led.lights/
(8) Led蘭花栽培燈-台灣製植物燈 https://www.facebook.com/Horticluture.Orchid.Led.Lighting/
(9) 植物燈|水陸植物培育燈|玻璃盆景燈|苔瓶燈 https://www.facebook.com/Moss.Vivarium.LED.Light/
(10) 空氣鳳梨與積水鳳梨專用led植物燈 https://www.facebook.com/Airplant.Tillandsia.Terrarium/
(11) Led植物燈買賣交流站 https://www.facebook.com/lolofarmer/
(12) 植物燈 - 多肉植物專用led植物照明燈 https://www.facebook.com/succulents.led.grow.lights/
(13) 香料植物專用led植物燈-栽培燈-生長燈 https://www.facebook.com/Aromatic.Plants.LED.Grow.Light/
(14) Led專業植物造景燈 https://www.facebook.com/Bonsai.LED.Grow.Lights/
(15) 盆栽led植物造景燈 https://www.facebook.com/Moss.Terrarium.Lights/
(16) Led植物燈|LED植物生長燈|LED培養燈 https://www.facebook.com/horticluture.led.growing.lights/
(17) Led植物燈專家 - 室內多肉植物照明燈 https://www.facebook.com/succulent.LED.Light.Taiwan/
(18) 文創x園藝x植物照明 https://www.facebook.com/wabikusa.led.grow.lights/
(19) VITALUX植物工廠(台灣正版LED植物燈) https://vitaluxled.business.site/
2020-06-15 14:18:28
2020-06-19 09:38:13
喜愛觀葉植物的玩家買植物燈可以選擇vitalux的最新款X系列光譜, 全系列都添加遠紅光(far red)波段, 有高效率與全光譜型可選~ 搭配多樣化燈具款式, 是台灣最老牌最齊全的植物燈~ (點此 https://www.pcstore.com.tw/vitaled-vip/)
2020-11-15 10:44:16
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