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2005-01-20 21:08:49

For Futher Study

Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare's Life and Art. New York: New York University Press, 1961. Bentley, Gerald E. Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986. Bindoff, Stanley ...

2005-01-20 21:05:06

The First Folio

Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, the cause of death not reported. The date of his burial is recorded as April 25, 1616 in the register of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church. In 1623 the same year that...

2005-01-20 21:04:02

Shakespeare in London

Some time between 1585 and 1592, it is believed that Shakespeare left Stratford for London and joined a company of actors as a performer and a playwright. Legend long held that Shakespeare left Stratf...

2005-01-20 21:03:01

Shakespeare Biography

Details about William Shakespeare’s life are sketchy, mostly mere surmise based upon court or other clerical records. His parents, John and Mary (Arden), were married about 1557; she was of the lande...

2005-01-20 21:01:33

Shakespeare: An Introduction

I. Introduction Any discussion of Shakespeare's life is bound to be loaded with superlatives. In the course of a quarter century, Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individually, severa...

2005-01-20 20:59:44

Shakespeare: An Introduction2

There is a period in Shakespeare's life of some seven years (1585 to 1592) from which we have absolutely no primary source materials about him. We do know that in November of 1582, at the age of eight...

2005-01-20 20:57:54

Shakespeare on Film

Henry V (1944) Henry V (1989) Macbeth (1971) Richard III (1995) Romeo and Juliet (1996) Romeo and Juliet (1968) Hamlet (1948) Hamlet (1996) Macbeth (1948) Much Ado About Nothing (199...

2005-01-19 20:51:09


如果以我們最熟悉的乾性材料--鉛筆(graphite pencils)來說,現代鉛筆的發明大約只有四百多年,起源於英國伊莉莎白統治時期,西元1564年,莎士比亞出生米開朗基羅逝世那一年。這個特別的巧合就如同鉛筆同時扮演寫字和...

2005-01-19 20:49:11


如果你問的是莎士比亞的原作「仲夏夜之夢」(A Midsumer Night's Dream )的話,以下是一些主要角色的資料: Theseus: Duke of Athens, is about to marry Hippolyta, the a lady warrior who he conquered.西希司:...

2005-01-19 20:44:51


Q:劇作家這麼多,莎士比亞為什麼特別偉大? A: 莎士比亞留下了37齣劇本和154首14行詩,早已是全人類所共有的精神財富、文學上活水源頭。據統計他的作品已被翻譯成88種語言,他的傑作不只家喻戶曉、深入人心...

2005-01-19 20:42:51



2005-01-19 20:40:14



2005-01-19 20:39:26


世態炎涼中真情的悲劇   「李爾王」這齣悲劇,跟其他三大悲劇最不一樣的,就是性格弱點在戲劇一開始就呈現,不像其他三齣戲,性格弱點漸次發展到不可收拾。李爾王最大的弱點,就是長年活在顯赫尊貴的地位中,已...

2005-01-19 20:38:03


莎劇是400年來西方文學最偉大的遺產,而『哈姆雷特(地位最重要)』、『奧塞羅(結構最謹)』、『里亞王(氣魄最宏偉)』、『麥克白斯(節奏最緊湊)』則是莎劇中最著名的四大悲劇。 莎士比亞之夢 作者:陳韻...

2005-01-19 20:32:02


李爾王 李爾王是英國的國王,他有三個女兒。大女兒可媛嫁給亞爾巴納公爵為妻;二女兒李妮嫁給康威爾公爵為妻;可蒂莉是個妙齡女子,有法國國王及白根兌公爵在追求,他們為了求婚方便,住在李爾王的宮裏。 李爾王...

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