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Am I Addicted To Porn?

Are you a wife or girlfriend overwhelmed dealing with a porn addict? Find the information, support and resources you need to help you deal with your spouse or partner’s online addiction to pornography at Porn Addict Hubby.

It is extremely important to understand that one of the biggest myths surround an addiction to porn is that there is a cure. Treatment is not intended or designed to provide a cure for an addiction to porn , but instead to teach the porn addict the various methods and behaviors that are necessary to replace their unhealthy behaviors. An addiction to porn is similar to an addiction to drugs or alcohol in that in order to recover from the addiction, the addict must abstain from the use of porn. It is common for a drug addict or alcoholic to relapse by simply seeing someone else take a drink or use a drug. The same concept applies to pornography; it only takes one image to relapse into a full addiction again.

And a 2013 study at the University of Sydney said pornography addiction was on the rise. About 47 percent of the surveyed people said they watched pornography from 30 minutes to three hours every day, and that they “had severe social and relationship problems and had often lost their jobs or been in trouble with the law as a result of their addiction. Some users escalated their viewing to more extreme and often illegal material,” according to the study.

To achieve recovery from porn addiction, you have to be honest and willing to seek help. " To achieve recovery from porn addiction , you have to be honest and willing to seek help. This honesty begins by finding a professional who is experienced in treating porn addiction and admitting that you have a problem. When discussing your addiction, don’t leave out the embarrassing parts. Keep in mind that a professional therapist wants to help you overcome your addiction. He or she will not judge you because of what you’ve shared. The only way that he or she can establish an appropriate treatment and recovery plan is if he or she knows everything that your addiction entails. porn addiction

Because of the ease of access to explicit media and the potency of today’s pornography, increasing numbers of parents are faced with the difficult and uncomfortable task of addressing the topic of pornography use by their children. Many are uncertain about how to handle these situations and where to turn for help when the use of pornography by a child becomes habitual. Research suggests that most pornography and sexual addictions begin during adolescence. Unfortunately, most people don’t seek treatment until later in life when the problem has become more pervasive. The Youth Pornography Addiction Center

台長: vellvva3j2r
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