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【春節送禮推薦】Hartan Pram Skater GTS CP值超高特價商品

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Hartan Pram Skater GTS 設計式樣: 632 · 2019

The German pram manufacturer Hartan has designed the Skater GTS for all sporty and active parents - its three tyres master even high speed strolls easily.

Once the front wheel is locked properly the Skater GTS is perfect for asphalted roads as well as country lanes or even forest paths. As standard, this pram is equipped with a tough handbrake that ensures that the pram stops on point or else masters any incline effortlessly.

The Skater GTS also comes with a spacious shopping basket and a 360° rotating swivel wheel with suspension that contribute to the prams perfect manoeuvrability on long shopping trips.

Your little passenger is supplied with high sitting comfort on any ride. Depending on the surface you are driving on, you can set the suspension in either a soft or sporty mode.

If your little one is getting tired on the go, you can easily adjust the backrest and footrest to make sure your child has a cosy spot to cuddle up and rest. A large canopy with a foldout sun shade protects your child from wind and direct sunlight.

If you wish to use the Skater GTS right from birth省錢評價, you can combine the pram with a fold carrycot in a matching colour. As a matter of course, you can also combine the Skater GTS with an infant car seat.


  • Skater GTS for sporty and active parents

  • Available in 6 designs

  • Suitable for speedy trips

  • CP值超高特價商品
  • Lockable swivel wheel with suspension

  • Adjustable suspension - soft and sporty

  • Height-adjustable push bar

  • Handbrake, high performance brake rotor

  • Smoothly adjustable backrest

  • Height-adjustable footrest

  • Foldout canopy

  • Five-point harness

  • Including rain cover

  • With high-quality Solight Ecco Flash set of wheels

  • Size folded: L 92 x W 58 x H 38 cm

  • Size unfolded: L 117 x W 58 x H 110 cm

  • Weight as pram: 14,6 kg

  • Weight as pushchair: 13,3 kg

  • Made in Germany




Hartan Pram Skater GTS








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Hartan Pram Skater GTS

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?推薦, Hartan百貨優惠限定折扣價 Pram Skater GTS

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